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$1200 to $12,800 and $600 to $25,000: U.S. Stimulus ROI Journey (Stocks vs. Domains)


Level 5
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Sep 15, 2009
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I will continue my $600 to $25,000 journey here. But, let me start from the beginning in case you missed it.

Domaining was profitable for me, but stressful at times as you need to balance sales and funds at the same time, never having a constant income stream. Therefore, I pulled out for a couple of years and kept approximately 200 domains while investing profits into gold, silver, bonds, crypto, etc. to diversify much more. This enabled me to have a constant, steady, income stream with any additional sale being the icing on the cake.

The first U.S. stimulus check of $1200 I used in a dummy stock trading account (a real one, but separate from my large retirement fund). I saw the Covid dip and knew that was the perfect entry point as it couldn't go any lower. It did, but it quickly recovered. From March 2020 to the time of writing (January 6, 2021), my $1200 turned into $12,800. Quite an impressive ROI, right?

I thought about doing the same with my $600 stimulus check, but I didn't think a 40% ROI would be impressive enough.

I want to turn my $600 into $25,000.

The best way to do that? Diversify again, but this time, in domains.

I've been purchasing domains and these are the names that I purchased so far along with the price paid.

TotalCrock.com $10
AltCoinLounge.com $10
JustJounalism.com $222
LovieDovie.com $10
EndlessDiscoveries.com $10
NightSoldier.com $10

As you can see, I have $328 remaining. I will continue purchasing domains from the $600 until I am down to zero and add them to the thread. If I make a sale, I will update the thread until all names are gone which could take a month, a year, or even ten years.

I am determined to get a better ROI from $600 than I did from $1200, though, I am leaving the $1200 in long-term and will compare the ROI once these domains are out of my hands to see which yielded the best return.

I'm shooting for a $600 to $25,000 return, but even $12,000 will be impressive, as I already have one inquiry with a quick-flip profit on a name. However, I am not looking for that quick flip and have plenty of time to wait it out.

This thread will be updated once the $600 is exhausted and sales are made.

If you have any questions regarding my selections or even my $1200 stock portfolio that has about 60% more growth in it, feel free to ask! :)
Domain Summit 2024


Level 5
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Sep 15, 2009
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In addition to sales made, I will be parking these to test for traffic received. If there's enough traffic to merit a minisite, as I tend to always buy domains for investment that I could develop myself, it'll be added to the list to create a site on and potentially earn passive income from, giving me more leverage for a firm price.

These are my quick development ideas from the purchases thus far (as I buy with intentions on if I can't sell in 2-years, I can develop in 30 minutes to make a minimum of $1 a year after renewal—multiply that by a lot of domains and the sales, then the 30 minutes to put up 1 or 2 sites a day doesn't sound that bad):
  • AltCoinLounge would be a nice forum to talk about ICOs, etc. and take the emphasis away from Bitcoin.
  • Just Journalism can be an easy site to whip up that aggregates news from authoritative sites and receive much more traffic until there is an independent journalist that comes along to report just journalism and wants to use that name.
  • Lovie Dovie is an album name but receives 1-10K searches. It's quite possible that this could be a Hallmark "love card" affiliate site that selectively sells random cards, resulting in a couple cents a purchase.
  • Endless Discoveries could be a daily fact with AdSense.
  • And NightSoldier aggregated reviews on a list of curated FPS games.
...all sites very simple to set up and begin ranking for with minimal effort.

I will update on parking revenue as well as AdSense or affiliate revenue in addition to sales. But, this is not intended on being an overnight thread. Surely, if you've been investing in names a lot, you know the game is to also get out and sell and also wait for others that you may not have known were leads to come to you and it could take another ten years.


Level 5
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Sep 15, 2009
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I bid $328 across the board with two names in the $100 range and one in the $50 and two $10s that I liked and were overlooked at the time of bidding.

I all but ended with one win, though experiment wise, would've gone higher on the other names. I'll get those, well not those exact names, once the $328 is exhausted.

corruptbastards.com as a complaint site; it has a couple of other uses I could think of too. I know age doesn't matter, but it has 11 years on it!

On top of that, as one $10 name was right above the $10 name I won, I am now the proud owner of 898444a.com. I have no meaningful reason for this (I set it to drop already if NameBright/DropCatch won't refund). It was an accidental click that locked me in to win it. I won't be counting that name in the $600 total. Though, it will be beneficial for you to ensure you're clicking the right BID button for the name you want before you get yourself into an auction you can't afford!


Level 5
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 15, 2009
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Feedback: 68 / 0 / 0
I forgot to update this thread with the last two domains I purchased following CorruptBastards.com.

The last purchases were:
MonthlyInstallment.com @ $233 — Whoever can't afford a great domain today would even love to buy it in monthly installments.
CSSBakery.com @ $111 — Who can bake up some great CSS?

I tried to get it in $600 or below, but this puts me $26 over budget; I can do a monthly installment of $2 if anyone wants to let me borrow it. ;)

Enough with the silly puns, though.

I will attempt to make this a better ROI than the now $12,600 (down a couple thousand from the highs of $15.5k from the initial time of writing to now). I'm unsure if I can beat the ROI entirely, as I am in some pretty volatile stocks right now and one SPAC that will exceed expectations to a hopeful $50k combined, which will be a nice story to tell (no, not $GME or $CCIV, if you're wondering)—but not for domain name investors. :)

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