What is WhoQ?
WhoQ is a unique WHOIS service for domainers & businesses to provide accurate domain name details with a secure way to communicate with the domain name owner. WhoQ ensures 100% privacy for buyers and sellers.How WhoQ differs from other WHOIS services?
Like other WHOIS services, the WhoQ database is a searchable list of every single domain currently registered in the world, but with a difference. The legacy WHOIS is failing the industry largely broken because of haphazard implementation of privacy laws such as GDPR which prevents interested buyers from contacting domain owners. WhoQ offers a solution to this. By protecting privacy, the participating domains are open for any offers from individuals/businesses through a secure form.Who can use WhoQ?
Anybody who needs to know details about any domain registered, domainers who wish to sell their domain names, businesses/individuals who wish to have direct contact with the domain name owner.Domain sellers can register a FREE account and add their domain names to have a secure way to communicate with the buyers.Businesses/Individuals who wish to buy/inquire about a domain name directly with the domain name registrant can do a search and fill out the secure inquiry form to have direct communication with the desired domain name registrant.
WHOIS Service for Domainers and Businesses - WhoQ
A unique WHOIS service for domainers & businesses to provide accurate domain name details with a secure way to communicate with the domain name owner.