Hi DNForum members. I'm a relative newbie to the domain name market so comments from more experienced members on the following domains would be most welcome
The domain name and the idea behind them where appropriate are as follows:
1) BotWhat.com (Technology Information)
2) Ceptergy.com (Energy Concept/ Conceptual Energy)
3) GuessLondon.com (London Olympics 2012)
4) OlympicGuess.com (London 2012 in mind)
5) InPharmMed.com/.co.uk (Internet Pharmacy/ Pharmacy Education -> Informed = InPharmEd)
6) InspireGen.com
7) Mediure.com (Media/Medical/Future/Sure)
8) PhalTech.com (Pharmaceutical Technology)
9) Suergy.com (Sustainable Energy/ Play on the word 'surge' which has energetic implications)
10) TechnEcol.com (Ecological Technolgy/ Play on the word Technical)
11) Vistiq.com (Visually Unique)
12) WorkStationOne.com
13) WorkStation1.com
14) Yobabu.com (Not a clue!! :blush: )
I plan to develop a couple of those domains. However, I caught the domain buying bug and before I knew it, I was playing around with names and came up with the above. :undecided:
Comments regarding the brandability/scope for development/use/ financial value of ANY of the above domains would be kindly appreciated.
The domain name and the idea behind them where appropriate are as follows:
1) BotWhat.com (Technology Information)
2) Ceptergy.com (Energy Concept/ Conceptual Energy)
3) GuessLondon.com (London Olympics 2012)
4) OlympicGuess.com (London 2012 in mind)
5) InPharmMed.com/.co.uk (Internet Pharmacy/ Pharmacy Education -> Informed = InPharmEd)
6) InspireGen.com
7) Mediure.com (Media/Medical/Future/Sure)
8) PhalTech.com (Pharmaceutical Technology)
9) Suergy.com (Sustainable Energy/ Play on the word 'surge' which has energetic implications)
10) TechnEcol.com (Ecological Technolgy/ Play on the word Technical)
11) Vistiq.com (Visually Unique)
12) WorkStationOne.com
13) WorkStation1.com
14) Yobabu.com (Not a clue!! :blush: )
I plan to develop a couple of those domains. However, I caught the domain buying bug and before I knew it, I was playing around with names and came up with the above. :undecided:
Comments regarding the brandability/scope for development/use/ financial value of ANY of the above domains would be kindly appreciated.