i don't get it..who would pay that much for a two word .com?
Value of lightspeed.com
Value $514
We have calculated the value of lightspeed.com with Pagerank history, Backlinks, Age and other information that are known to us using our database
If Lightspeed (or LightSpeed) is your brand name, and you own a large company, I can easily see spending $150k on a domain. Its highly doubtful the company could win a copyright infringement case for the domain, so arguably, they made a bold and respectable move of buying the domain.
I wonder if it has TM problems if a domainer bought it.
Value of lightspeed.com
Value $514
We have calculated the value of lightspeed.com with Pagerank history, Backlinks, Age and other information that are known to us using our database
you've been a member here since 2002 and are using automatic appraisals?
surely you know these are worthless?
Isn't lightspeed a porn producer?
i don't get it..who would pay that much for a two word .com?
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators