Wow is it really that valuable?
Let's see, it cost 100 bucks years ago to reg it
I've paid netsol 35 a year or more since then
you mean I've only lost about 100 bucks on it?
Here's my method of evaluating 1 Domain Names
You look at the domain name without the 1 in it
I'd say if it ever came to be sold you're talking at least 10Mil
It would set the all time record
Now if you own real estate, like on Wall Street, what do you think 1 Wall Street is worth?
The web is nothing but undeveloped real estate
IMHO 1 Domains are worth 1 to 10% of the value of the name without the 1 in it
I've gotten tons of free exposure on major radio shows due to my content
If I use some name for a domain and plug it the people make tons of errors typing in an url if it isn't a simple word
When we started using 1 in front of short words to plug our websites on the shows we were doing BANG the sites got flooded with type in hits
SO 1 (ONE) Domains have been proven by my own experience TO WORK
Ask any wealthy lawyer what he would pay for
Then say you have access to what would they pay for a four character domain name with LAW in it
1% of the value of is a very fair estimate of worth
But 250.00 is an opinion