I have the following 20 Generic Domain names listed below for sale at a fixed price of £130K.All prices are in British pounds.
taximechanic.co.uk(for garages specialising in London black cabs)
timberwear.co.uk(can be used to sell timberland product)
coffeesellers.co.uk(can be used by coffee importers)
teasellers.co.uk(can be used by tea importers)
girlyshoes.co.uk (for selling girls and ladies shoes)
goldminder.co.uk( can be used by jewllers shops or gold brookers)
golddevil.co.uk (just like dirt devil, can be used by gold brookers)
heavenlygold.co.uk (Can be used by gold brookers)
freelancia.co.uk (for comission based freelance workers)
Trueliving.co.uk (can be use to sell luxury apartments)
antiquemaster.co.uk (for selling vintages and antiques)
antiquespecialist.co.uk (for selling antiques or vintages)
tellycentre.co.uk (telly is for television,and can be used to sell flatscreen tv and other electronics,just like dixons and currys)
tellycentre.net (can be used to sell flatscreen tv and other electronics,just like dixons and currys)
taximechanic.com (For London black cab taxi mechanics)
golddevil.com (high street gold buyers and sellers)
heavenlygold.com(high street gold seller)
tellycentre.com (can be used to sell flatscreen tv and other electronics,just like dixons and currys)
AK474u.com (for guns and canabis lovers everywhere)
Mumswear.com (for selling maternity related products such as clothing,push chairs,baby foods etc)
************you can have all the domain names listed above for £130K**************
************Please note that the domains are not sold individually****************
If interested,please email me at richardomax(@)hotmail.co.uk or contact me
taximechanic.co.uk(for garages specialising in London black cabs)
timberwear.co.uk(can be used to sell timberland product)
coffeesellers.co.uk(can be used by coffee importers)
teasellers.co.uk(can be used by tea importers)
girlyshoes.co.uk (for selling girls and ladies shoes)
goldminder.co.uk( can be used by jewllers shops or gold brookers)
golddevil.co.uk (just like dirt devil, can be used by gold brookers)
heavenlygold.co.uk (Can be used by gold brookers)
freelancia.co.uk (for comission based freelance workers)
Trueliving.co.uk (can be use to sell luxury apartments)
antiquemaster.co.uk (for selling vintages and antiques)
antiquespecialist.co.uk (for selling antiques or vintages)
tellycentre.co.uk (telly is for television,and can be used to sell flatscreen tv and other electronics,just like dixons and currys)
tellycentre.net (can be used to sell flatscreen tv and other electronics,just like dixons and currys)
taximechanic.com (For London black cab taxi mechanics)
golddevil.com (high street gold buyers and sellers)
heavenlygold.com(high street gold seller)
tellycentre.com (can be used to sell flatscreen tv and other electronics,just like dixons and currys)
AK474u.com (for guns and canabis lovers everywhere)
Mumswear.com (for selling maternity related products such as clothing,push chairs,baby foods etc)
************you can have all the domain names listed above for £130K**************
************Please note that the domains are not sold individually****************
If interested,please email me at richardomax(@)hotmail.co.uk or contact me