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Offers 40+ sites, incl.,, many PR3 and PR4

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
I need to make some space on my server for something else and am therefore listing a few of my sites for offers. I'm in no rush to sell any of these, but thought I'd throw them out there to see if there's interest. Please post offers and ask questions here. I apologize, due to time constraints, I haven't had time to give proper descriptions and details for all of them, but will do so if there's a question. Payment via PayPal. You will have to move the site to your own host within a week.

FAN SITES - PR2 (PR3 until before recent changes - see below)

~ Ronnie Dio = former vocalist for Black Sabbath, now has his own band, Dio
  • Uses the paid version of the Amazon Associate-O-Matic script - I did the upgrade from the free to paid version only very recently, so some of the (new) search engine friendly URLs have not been indexed yet. This change has apparently also caused a (temporary) drop in PR (from 3 to 2). I'm sure it will pick up again. To make sure it does, I've just spent about a day adding more news to the news page (now automatically aggregates 5 sources via the CaRP RSS script) and created and added 9 gallery pages (with over 550 images/wallpaper!). I also updated and resubmitted the Google Sitemap and exchanged new links with some high-ranking sites. This site now has 19 content pages that were added by me - this does not take into account the 1000s of possible dynamically generated pages via the Amazon Associate-O-Matic script.
  • Age of site: 6 months+. I developed it as an AWS shop first, then added relevant content for the search engines and it has in this way wrong-way-round manner developed into a fully-fledged fan site.
  • This site has made a few Amazon sales, some Adsense revenue ($3.77 since May 24). Also revenue bearing through the Rockabilia and Goodrock affiliate programs.
  • Stats: (PM me for Awstats/Webalizer screen shots)
  • Linkpop = about 586 (depending on the tool you use)
  • Well-indexed: Google, MSN, Yahoo.
    (High search engine rankings for several keyphrases, including "ronnie dio")
  • DMOZ: submitted, not listed yet
  • Overture (w/o ext.) = 4008 ("ronnie james dio") / 198 ("ronnie dio")
  • SEO: Digitalpoint Ad-coop, Webrings, (new) short URLs, some links exchanges
  • Minimum offer: $199

Note: As I mentioned above, this site now uses the paid version of the Amazon Associate-O-Matic script ($99) and because I cannot sell you or transfer the script, you will have to buy it yourself. Alternatively, I can downgrade the site to the free version again, which means you will loose the short URLs and other cool features (more).(Please note, you are allowed to use the paid version of the script on as many of your own sites as you want, so it really is a bargain if you want to run a few Amazon sites this way) PR4 listed in DMOZ

~ Skye Sweetnam = popular young Canadian female artist (314,000 results on Google for "Skye Sweetnam")
  • Runs on Mambo. The Gallery has about 500 pictures.
  • Age of site: ±14 months. I initially spent a lot of time and effort on this, including loads of content, links exchanges, etc., but due to other projects haven't updated or done any work on this site for several months now and it could do with some fresh content. I would also suggest you upgrade to the latest version of Mambo or Joomla. It has 607 members (people who signed up to access some of the member-only features). Please note, the forum you see on the site is NOT part of the site. Because I never had time to develop a forum for the site, I just framed the official forum. You could therefore easily install a forum, and convert the members to forum users - great potential!
  • This site has made a few Amazon sales, and has regular Adsense revenue ($44.35 since October 2, 2004). Also revenue bearing through several other affiliate programs and I've sold a few of the photo CDs. It really only has one Adsense banner at the top (and one on the front page) and could be monetized much better, especially if you have your own forum.
  • Stats: These stats are only since 2005-09-21, as I had to delete the log file because it became too big and wasn't tracking accurately. (Might actually be the case again) Sedo stats since 05/02/2005. PM me for Awstats/Webalizer screen shots
  • Linkpop = about 895 (depending on the tool you use)
  • Well-indexed: Google (12,000 pages!), MSN, Yahoo.
    (High search engine rankings for several keyphrases, including "Skye Sweetnam")
  • DMOZ: listed
  • Alexa rank: 1,934,429
  • Overture (w/o ext.) = 22967 ("skye sweetnam")
  • SEO: Webrings, Mambo short URLs via mod-rewrite, many links exchanges
  • Minimum offer: $399 PR3
Many Amazon and other sales from this one!
Minimum offer: $299 PR3
Runs on Joomla. I'm actually still working on this one (and have some interesting plans for it) but it already has loads of content and approaching a 1000 images in the gallery.
Minimum offer: $299 PR1 (dropped from PR3)
I just did a lot of content updates on this one, links exchanges etc. - PR should go up again soon PR3
I haven't worked on this one in a while

I also have a small Michael Jackson 'network' of sites, a forum and half-developed sites I want to sell together - PM me for details.

Runs on Mambo
Minimum offer: $299 PR1
This site was parked at Sedo until very recently (Nov 27) when I started to develop it. Only PR1 now, but it'll jump at the next dance.

At Sedo it made money every month (a quick glance says between $0.30 - $1.30/month)
Stats (only since 2005-11-27):

Revenue bearing through Amazon (already some sales!), Allposters, Adsense, eBay, and other affiliate programs (see site). (Adsense: $1.22 since November 30 / Amazon: based on the Amazon script notification and type of item purchased, looks like 1 sale of $39.99. Other affiliates, I'll have to check)

It runs on the paid version of the Amazon Associate-O-Matic script (see details under So you'll have to buy it from the developer first or I'll downgrade the site to the free version again before transfer (which means you loose the short URLs and only get 90% of sales, etc.). Listed: Yes (7 results) since 2001

I added 22 pages of additional content to improve the site's stickiness and search engine rankings. Many of these are auto-updating via CaRP or other scripts. Also added an image gallery.

Already well-indexed and several backlinks. The site is still very new, so this will improve dramatically over the next month or so. (More)

The site is actually still 'under construction' because I'm still tweaking the affiliates, content, F1 Shop, doing links exchanges, etc. (I'm a perfectionist!). But I'd say it's about 99% done.

Offers from $249 invited.

These 2 go together: and PR2

This used to be a popular wrestling topsite, still getting lots of hits from old linking code. I was going to contact all the old sites and get them to sign up again - I've added lots of content, Adsense and an Amazon affiliate shop already. (Adsense: $2.37 since September 11, 2005. Amazon, don't know.)
Incoming Google Links: 9
Incoming Yahoo Links: 957
Incoming MSN Links: 20
Incoming Alexa Links: 1
Overall Incoming Links: 987
Indexed by all search engines. Listed: Yes (26 results since 2000)
With some work and a little bit of patience, this could once again be a popular site (still #2 on Google for "wrestling top 50")

Offers from $249 invited




PR3 (without the www.), PR4 (with the www.) - more details

Many additional (self-updating) content pages. Revenue bearing through several affiliate programs: Amazon, Adsense and others (see site) - several sales.

Runs on the free 'Accessories Me' AWS script (that I've heavily modified).


Income since about the middle of May: Impossible to accurately state Amazon income, as I cannot track sales from individual sites. But I have sold many iPod and related items from all my iPod sites. Adsense: $7.44 since May 12, 2005. iPod Turbo: 2 sales @ $9.98 = $19.96 (via iPod Repair ( many clickthroughs, but apparently $0.00 (might have to drop this one). iPod mods, etc. ( $5 x 6 = $30. iTunes ( $2.64 . eBay is difficult to track, because I have the affiliate program on many sites and do not track them all individually. I'll also have to investigate the other affiliate programs (have received no payments from these yet, but there may be commissions). This site could probably be monetized better.

Offers from $249
2-month old site. Just added 10 pages of additional content yesterday, including additional affiliate programs. No PR (yet), but am sure will be at least a PR2 at next update - more info. (Already made at least one Amazon sale)

Runs on paid version of the Amazon Associate-O-Matic script (see details and comments above).

Income: Adsense (since October 17, 2005): $3.37. The Associate-O-Matic script notifies one of Amazon items added to the shopping cart (not necessarily purchased) - according to what I can figure out from this, there were 2 sales @ $29.99 + $19.00 = $48.99 (but bear in mind that I only converted to the paid script about a week ago, so there might have been more Amazon sales that I couldn't track). No sales yet from the other affiliate programs I added yesterday.


Offers from $149 PR4

Free version of the Associate-O-Matic script - more


Income: Adsense (since August 9, 2005): $0.97. Amazon, impossible to tell.

Offers from $199


NICHE SITES PR4 PR3 - listed in DMOZ (typo) (typo) PR4 (Bollywood) [also]


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 21, 2004
Reaction score
OK, thanks for all the PMs - no offers accepted yet.

This lot will be going on the auction block tomorrow, so contact me before then if interested.

Just a side note, many of the sites above have good PR, even though I didn't mention it (e.g.,,, etc. = PR3). And some have updated in the meantime (e.g. is now also PR4 without the .www). Some are even listed in DMOZ and Yahoo directories (e.g., listed in the French Yahoo Directory). So do your homework and you'll see some beauts here.

Last chance before you'll have to bid against many other eBayers!
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