Anything is possible. Such as me formerly owning this name and letting it drop.Evidently, Gerry, we do it because we want to sell it on!
As for the domain, it's a 4L .com, which means it'll sell on here for
about two cents..However, as many 4L owners have discovered
already, there is a very great upside to owning a name like this and
it could sell for $x,xxx-$xx,xxx, if a company decide they want
and/or need it.
They might 'need' it for any one of a hundred reasons, but in the
absence of a company coming along to make an offer you can't refuse,
i'd say its current value (to a 'domainer') is approx. $25-$500...
Good luck with the name Mave,
*the exceptional businesses of our esteemed moderators