I think there are many things you have to look at when you "Change" something.
You definitely don't want DNF to become a "free-for-all" where names like "JunkSoldHereInMyStore.cc" are the "norm" in the Ad Section.
What will happen to the popularity of the "Live Auctions" if more action is happening in the "Ad section"?? Will "Plat" memberships be seen as something "good".
My suggestion if you are going to allow "Free Memberships" is to not allow any "For Sale" type stuff, or Businesses listed in the sig line. I would say to allow it for gold, but only allow Plats to have "hot links".
Keep one thing in mind. A lot of members come to this board so they don't have to weed through junk posts. This is a very serious board. We all seen what Afternic Forums evolved into.
With Forums "Bigger" is not always "Better".
When you have a paid model structure it only works if people feel like they are getting something no one else is getting, hence the reason they forked over $49.95. If they see free members selling items in their sign line "for free" obviously what would be the incentive to keep their "paid" memberships. Especially when most of the action will now probably happen in the "Ad Section".
Also the e-book stuff is great, but most of that stuff can be gotten off the internet for nothing. So if this becomes the "plus" for being a plat member, I'm thinking you will see that membership drop in number. Again... Motivation....Exclusivity....Purpose... That's what keeps Paid "Membership" Forum's going.
izopodian philosophy: If you want something to be popular on the internet, make sure that what you are offering cannot be had anywhere else. If you look at this from a real world perspective, why do popular "clubs" do well? Answer: Usually there is a high cover charge (weed out undesirables) and you can't get that kind of "experience" anywhere else, whether it be the kind of music being played, look/feel of the club, the exclusivity of it all, etc, etc.
more izopodian philosphy: Don't change the people to attract the market. Make the market more attractive to get the people.
Note: I do like some of the changes here, but I think if we get into a "something is wrong" mode, then you will ruin it. There was absolutely nothing wrong in my opinion. I think as soon as the "look" of the site changed, It gave me the "impression" that change needed to be made. I found myself looking for ways to "improve". However after realizing this, I thought, if you were looking to change anything, would be to go back to the "feel" DNF had, Blue top, with a possibly updated logo would do the trick! Then as you are contemplating tweak the "tier structure" with the suggestions made above.
Either way, I will support whatever. However remember that advice is easy to get, but good advice is hard to come by, espcially the free kind.