Yesterday, by the request of Yahoo any account that had 0 conversions over a 2 week period were terminated. This also included anybody under .05% conversion as well. I will give a real example, nobody knows this person, but I still won't name any names.
This was for a one week period.
58,000 clicks - 32,000 sites that had the code that could track conversions - 3 sales. This is a .0093% conversion rate.
If our partner was being paid say 10 cents a click they would get $5,800 and let's say a sale is $100 just for fun, so the advertisers make about $300. But they probably spent close to $10,000 for $300 in return. I know I would complain very quickly about those numbers and I would immediately look at going to another search provider.
One of our own accounts was flagged by Yahoo for having a low conversion as well, but our conversion was much higher than the example above it was over 3%.
This system will be going to all partners within the next month or so. We are one of 2 partners using it today. Google has Smart Pricing, which lowers everybody's numbers based on low quality traffic, Yahoo just gets rid of low quality traffic.
I don't like shutting any account down, unless somebody is cheating us. But when Yahoo tells me that we won't be getting paid for any clicks from account xxxyyy for the month and to shut them down. And we have already paid that account for the first part of the month, now everybody is losing money.
What this means is if you can't convert more than 1 in 2000 clicks to sales and sales doesn't have to be "sales" it could be just an email address or whatever. Then Yahoo in the long run won't want your traffic. You may not realize it but Google wouldn't want your traffic either. It's all amount money, if the domain parker is making more money then the advertiser the advertiser will go away.