Thanks for the replies.
Some of you have said that it appeared I was already in the porn business and should know the value of the traffic and provide my own list of appraisals.
The honest truth is that I never envisioned myself in the porn biz -- I saw an awesome opportunity in July of 1999 when Network Solutions' exclusive contract to handle .com domains expired. Network Solutions did not allow any domains with the words tits, ****, or pussy in them. Given that porn is one of (if not THE) biggest money makers on the net, I figured it would be wise to try to register as many of these previously unavailable names and then try to sell or lease them.
What then happened was that when I started contacting some people about buying the names, everyone responded with disbelief, telling me, "It is not possible to register those domains -- we tried years ago."
SO, I put up a page on each domain basically saying, "If you are interested in buying this domain contact
[email protected]" and wrote back to the disbelievers and said, "They are valid domains -- just type them into your browser and go to the site."
Lo and behold, it turned out that the domains were getting over 3000 type-ins per day. So then I thought, well, hell, there must be some way to make money off them while I'm waiting for a buyer. Enter: adult affiliate programs.
So I plastered a bunch of banner ads on the sites, which, I might add, is pretty much the WORST way to promote porn. And guess what? Those sites bring in about $8000 per month. With absolutely NO work on my part beyond my intial effort of joining the affiliate programs and slapping the banners on the page. I have done no marketing. Am not listed in any of the link lists. Did not try to get search engine traffic. I did not put advertising on the sites that is specific to what the domain name would suggest it is promoting (e.g, I know I'd get more signups if sites like promoted all big tits sites, while sites like promoted ebony sites..) And I know I'd get more signups if I used different methods besides a gigantic stream of banner ads -- more text links and full page ad stuff, etc.
So I pretty much know the minimum that these domains are capable of making. $8000 per month with no work just because of the type-in traffic. So then I figured, hell, I might be better off keeping them myself. Down the road, if I chose to, I could even put some effort into marketing them and increase my income.
The truth is that I actually wasn't even responding to requests for price quotes for quite some time - partly because they domains generated enough revenue on their own, and partly because I didn't know what prices to quote. First of all, I don't know what the monthly revenue is for any single domain. I have one affiliate account per sponsor (as is often their requirement), and use the same linking code on all of the sites. In fact, I have gone the super lazy way about it and used frames to display the same main page for each site. So while I know the total revenue for the month, and how much traffic each domain gets each month, I don't know which ones are generating clickthroughs to my sponsors and, more importantly, I don't know which of the domains are the ones generating the signups. Obviously, I could estimate individual monthly revenue per domain based on uniques, but the point is it would be just that -- an estimate -- because I don't know where the signups come from.
The other issue is that I know that far more money can be made from them than I am currently getting with even a moderate amount of effort. I haven't put that effort into it yet because I've been pretty focused on other, more mainstream, affiliate marketing. I own some 640 domains and only 250 of them are porn related. But so long as I hold onto those domains, I always have the option of putting the effort into them and raking in more dough.
So why am I looking for an appraisal right now? Well, I'm thinking of buying a house and would like to sell off a few of the domains to help get the down payment together (hey, real estate is pretty pricey in San Francisco

So, truly, any help that anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated!
Best Regards,