Do you know the buyer?
Can you find out about buyer?
How good is your domain?
How many other offers did you get for this domain?
Do you think you'll get plenty more offers if you fail to sell this to this buyer?
There are basically two types of buyers.
1. direct buyer - buyer is user whether business or personal use.
2. indirect buyer - buying for a company.
If it's buyer
#1 - they tend to offer about 50% of what they really want to pay.
If it's buyer
#2 - this depend on maximum budget given from his/her boss which is hard to predict.
I had buyer who gave $150 initial offer and ended with $5K sales and this was buyer
I doubt if I can sell this same domain for $20 on the forum. However, my sales pitch
was 100% match (lucky?) for buyer's purpose. They had to buy this domain for their project.
Also had tons of buyer
#1 which failed to make any sales because I was too greedy.
Lost sales may amount to at least low $xxx,xxx by being too greedy. Stupid of me.
If it's buyer
#1 - perhaps you can counter with $2K and expect to settle at $1.5K
If it's buyer
#2 - you need to find out what's the project for this domain before you make offer.
Bottom line, you need to know your buyer