That's a decent .info name, and the name fits the extention. The name isn't worth a ton, but it is the type of name that will lend itself to easy development, and that makes is valuable. Unlike worthless names that some people suggest would have value if developed, this name has value without development, and that value is because it is so easily developed that those with an interest in the subject matter would certainly consider this name if they were developing a site (or if you wanted to develop one yourself).
It is the type of name you keep until you get lucky, or develop. It is not the type of name to raise money quickly with by selling on a forum, but is has value, for sure. If you ran it through a sales thread here you would probaby get between $10 and $50 for it. But if you did a bit of legwork on Google and searched for leads you might get a few hundred.....but that legwork takes time, and time is money.
And the clock is ticking now as to your time invested. There are certain names that can cost you a lot of wasted time, and in that respect this is a dangerous name because it looks like it is really good, but the ceiling is pretty low on how much you could get for it in a sale.
The most economical way to go about it is probably to spend about an hour on Google and send off 20-30 emails telling people that it is available for $450.....and then take any offer over $100. If you get a cold response, then you will at least know that those most likely to buy are not interested, and then you can either develop the name yourself or unload it cheap. Google "Aids info" and "Aids Prevention", develop an email list from the whois of the sites you see, and take a quick shot.