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Am I just lucky?

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Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 17, 2010
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Although I've owned domains since 1998, it's only in the last six months that I've been buying them with a view to resale, and only in the last few days that I've come across this forum.

I think I'm at the opposite end of life's journey than most here (in other words I'm a Senile Citizen), and I have started domaineering (is that the right word?) as a way to keep myself occupied in my twilight years as well as hopefully earning some pocket money.

I keep reading of people who've been doing it a lot longer than me without any success, yet since I started in December 2009 I've sold two domains, one only a few days after I bought it, and parking money is paying the registration costs of some of the others. I'm modestly in profit. I'm not after the "big one", just small fry for worthwhile gains.

So have I just been lucky? Will it all turn sour? Or have I hit upon a strategy which whilst never making me rich will enable me to enjoy the odd meal at a posh restaurant?

Have others had this sort of experience when starting out?


Buying Premium Domains
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 26, 2007
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If you put the domain you sold and the price range, we would see whether you are lucky or not.

You said you own domains since 1998 and if you are willing to sell them, PM me and I would have a look.


Country hopper
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 9, 2005
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If you have decent domains it's normal to receive offers and make sales. In this business it's 99% quality, 1% luck.


DNForum Moderator
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Sep 4, 2002
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Although I've owned domains since 1998, it's only in the last six months that I've been buying them with a view to resale, and only in the last few days that I've come across this forum.

I think I'm at the opposite end of life's journey than most here (in other words I'm a Senile Citizen), and I have started domaineering (is that the right word?) as a way to keep myself occupied in my twilight years as well as hopefully earning some pocket money.

I keep reading of people who've been doing it a lot longer than me without any success, yet since I started in December 2009 I've sold two domains, one only a few days after I bought it, and parking money is paying the registration costs of some of the others. I'm modestly in profit. I'm not after the "big one", just small fry for worthwhile gains.

So have I just been lucky? Will it all turn sour? Or have I hit upon a strategy which whilst never making me rich will enable me to enjoy the odd meal at a posh restaurant?

Have others had this sort of experience when starting out?


with a lead-in like that, you're certain to get some solicitations :)

one thing about this forum and others, is that if someone posts stuff like " they've owned domains since 1990 anything, immediately a member will solicit you.

they don't even know what the name is, they only know what you posted and are ready to bite

now, i would only consider you lucky because you had the opportunity to be steered to domain registrations in that year.

the fact that you've earned a modest profit from ppc, shows that you're smart enough to pick the right domains

how long the profits will last is anyone's guess. we just have to keep riding the ppc train till it runs out of steam



Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 17, 2010
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The domains I've owned for a long time are those used for my own websites.. My first was craybbs.co.uk which I let lapse when I moved to Spain in 1999; I've owned billnot.com, costablancaexpats.net and cftb.net for about 10 years. They're not for sale (and probably of no value to anybody except me; as far as I know there's only one billnot on the web). It was only when the Spanish arm of 1&1 had a special offer in December last year that I bought loads of rubbish .info domains at €1,99. They're a dead loss. I also bought a few .es domains at the same price, mainly in some way connected with the British expat satellite TV business and almost immediately sold skybox.es for €175. A couple of months later, digiboxes.org went for €200. Since then, I've been buying mainly expired domains, some of which, e.g. blurredfate.net, are more than earning their keep in parking payments. I didn't come on here with the aim of selling anything to anybody, as this is a forum of sellers rather than buyers. But for anybody who's remotely interested they're on Sedo (user name billnot :) and also listed at domain4sale.es (and yes, I know I'm a rubbish web designer).


Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 9, 2009
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From the domains that you mentioned, I think it may be more of a matter of knowing the market in Spain better than outsiders. The thing about luck is it usually doesn't last that long. If you're making some on parking and selling some every now and then, I'd say you're doing something right. Just keep slowly doing it and refining things and you should be fine. Just skip that posh restaurant, buy another domain! :)

My $0.02,
Young Whipper Snapper


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 17, 2010
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Thanks, DC20, that seems like sensible advice. Although .es is unrestricted, it's much easier if, as I do, you have a Spanish identity number. When selling I had to supply a scan of my identity card. Now all I need is somewhere that lists expired .es domain names!

John Baron

Level 4
Legacy Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2009
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i dont think luck is the right word , there is lots of people that are looking to make money online , whatever it is , domain names , web site flipping , affiliate marketing , CPA , etc etc ...
as i see it , most of them will fail to make a good profit , some will do well and very few will actually get rich .

whats the difference between does who "make it" and does who wont ?
got to know over the last years many people who are doing well with there online ventures, and i saw there is a few things all of those guys have in common :

- all of those people are straight , honest , not greedy , willing to share and have all around positive attitude .
- They understand that Money makes money - so they are not afraid to invest and learn from there success and from there failures .
- The ability the be in the right place and in the right time - i don think you can call it luck , its a basic understanding to which direction the wind blows and you can know that by not being lazy , reading a lot , being active on Professional online forums , reading blogs etc etc .

Regarding domain names , the basic understanding that most people dont get ( thats why tons and tons of useless domain names are being register daily making company's like go daddy very happy ) is ..
Domain names are like any product ,they suppose to solve a problem , some one open a shoe store , he needs a Great KeyWord domain name - You contact him offering him the Domain name ShoeStore.com - Problem solved ! Buyer happy - Seller Happy :)

and that need to be the thought before buying any domain name ( unless you are thinking of developing it yourself ) , what is the problem some one could solve with that domain name i am about to buy ( It is brandable , it has exact Keywords , its A great GEO etc etc )
if you cant think of any so dont expect to get too many emails for it ( except domain appraisal scam emails :) )
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Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 17, 2010
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( except domain appraisal scam emails :) )

Been getting several every week since a few days after I put my first domains on Sedo. This old git isn't so easily fooled


Exclusive Lifetime Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 8, 2007
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1998? if only we could turn back time and know what we know today we'd all be a rich man. It's more knowledge than luck I'd say.

By the way, welcome to DNF. :)


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 14, 2010
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I started about 11 years ago and bought a computer for the sole purpose of buying domains, I did not even know how to use a computer. I had some phases in which I bought names 1 day and the next day thought " why the hell did I buy that ", I am sure everyone can relate.
The biggest regret I have now looking back was that I lacked the money to buy all the names I wanted at the time due to a $ 140. cost each at network solutions ( never said I was smart then ).
Good luck in you future purchases.


Level 4
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 12, 2008
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enterpryzman, I agreed with you. But I only thought of " why the hell did I buy that " when renewal is coming.

Welcome to DNF, Billnot


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 17, 2010
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enterpryzman, I agreed with you. But I only thought of " why the hell did I buy that " when renewal is coming.
Isn't that where cheap first-year-only deals come in? Buy dirt cheap. If it bombs, don't renew it. It it is earning its keep, than it's worth the inflated renewal fee. Anyway, that's my thinking (I mainly use 1&1)

Welcome to DNF, Billnot

Thanks very much. It's an interesting place.


Level 1
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 14, 2008
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Hey Bill, I've never met anyone that could quantitatively PROVE they have a system for making big bucks consistently over the years in domain names. I've seen many scams come and go about having "The Secret"

Admittedly I'm like you in that I am not a professional domineerer, just an interested and often amused observer.

The sad part is seeing a domain bought or sold for hundreds or thousands and then not realise that potential.

99% quality? Hmmmm I guess everyone's experience is different. I've sold two domains which I was amazed ANYONE would want for $10k - they were offers from someone who had the other domains and I had the .com and I think the sum total of my profits from purely domain names apart from those two has been margins from registrations plus about $1000 BUT I have not really taken it seriously and am by NO means a specialist.

So I'm the 1% with those two domains? If I am the 1% then I've met at least 10 people in that 1% and not a single member of the 99% who can show me proof of their financial success in purely domain sales over time (PLENTY who can do so in a short period however) website flipping is another thing entirely and I believe this is because buyers are looking for something 'tangible'

I'll let you know if this ratio changes :)


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Feb 8, 2007
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Domainer, people, not domineerer or domaineer. Anyway, Billnot, I don't think luck had anything to do with it. You've exercised uncommonly good judgment. When I first got into the biz in 2005 I registered hundreds of bad domains, the vast majority of which were money losers. I racked up debt just maintaining the registrations and it took me three years to unload all the crap, and fine tune my portfolio to where it is profitable. Now I make at least one good sale every month and that more than covers my expenses, with some to spare.

I really think new domainers must be very, very cautious in the beginning, read everything they can, analyze domain sales, and learn what makes a good domain before they start investing.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
May 14, 2010
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In all honesty, I am finding some great domains dropping that are in niches I tried to buy in the past and was unable to do so.....I have registered about 100 in the last couple of months ( bringing my total to just South of 1 thousand ) and feel my portfolio is getting better and better with every purchase. Thinking now about cashing out soon and trying to sell my entire portfolio ( except those for my primary offline business ) in one shot.
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