What are you trying to do here? If you are going to hand-register names there has to be a reason why you think the world should pay you money for your insights. There is no reason why these should be worth anything. They won't get traffic, and it is next to impossible that someone would want to build a site on them.
A good name is one that you could reasonably explain to a total stranger and not be embarrassed while doing so. Alternate extentions like these are wastes of money....period. The same thing happens every time, speculators register the good names, and therefore there is no end-user traction. Without serious use by end-users the extention is doomed, and end-user use takes many years, anyways. These extentions are doomed from the start and you would do a lot better if you never bought another extention other than dotcom. There are other extentions with valuable names, but don't dabble there until you are cured from this habit.
Even the biggest and best domainers made fools of themselves with the .eu names, and some even bought .mobi's. Don't go down that road. You won't like the results when you look back on all of the time you wasted.