I was a trader for several years. With some decent money you can make a good living. You can really get lost in charts, analysis and news if you dont watch out. If you have $100,000 or 2 its not too bad to make a good living. Its by no means fun or exciting. The valuations and manipulations are maddening. You on near the bottom of a very long road with a steep curve. My old site has some good traders on hit but most or just novices. In nearing 20 years in the market and the reader of near 500 books, my best advice is beware. There are VERY VERY good traders or investors. The market is also always changing so what works great one year will get you head handed to you in the coming years.
If I had $200,000 grand again I would be a short term position trader of stocks only. Sadly the game is more rigged than you could or would believe and thats one of the main reasons I got out of it. Trade the charts, and cut losses quick.