Seems like some sky high appraisals. Not sure what makes it so valuable, but as long as those who are appraising are ready to come with cash in hand right now for this name, then I guess I will take them at their word. I would wager that if you listed this name here those same people with the high appraisals would not bid anywhere close to their appraisal, so in my opinion you cannot take those numbers seriously.
If one of them has PM'd you an offer that is consistent with their appraisal, or otherwise would be ready to pay decent money for the name now, then I am all ears. All I know is that if you put 100 of the most experienced domainers in a room today and they had to choose between $1,500 cash or, that it could very well be a clean-sweep for the cash. I guess if that makes the name worth thousands of dollars then we are really talking fantasyland here.
A name is not worth thousands of dollars if nobody will pay that for it right now. If the odds of you getting a few thousands dollars are 20 percent, then that hardly makes it worth that. If I go to Vegas and bet a football game for 1K the chance of me winning the bet and doubling my money is 50 percent. That doesn't make the bet worth 2K right before kickoff. It is worth 1K, and I could sell it for close to that amount before the game started.
There is some funny math and funny numbers floating around here.