could be an anti social networking or dog face book out type site...
Social Networking Sites want you to "like" them or become a "fan" on facebook ... personally I find it a bit annoying that they want you to become a fan so they can now spam you with exclusive offers... :asleep: My money typically goes to the place that has a good price good service and doesn't hassle me to death with sign ups, plastic keyring cards and fan us on social networking sites to get the sales price of a whopping 10% off.. lol just ranting...
I relize they made the like button around two years ago...
could be an anti social networking or dog face book out type site...
Social Networking Sites want you to "like" them or become a "fan" on facebook ... personally I find it a bit annoying that they want you to become a fan so they can now spam you with exclusive offers... :asleep: My money typically goes to the place that has a good price good service and doesn't hassle me to death with sign ups, plastic keyring cards and fan us on social networking sites to get the sales price of a whopping 10% off.. lol just ranting...
I relize they made the like button around two years ago...