Since I've noticed that for the most part in response to a request for appraisal there're many more general, non-specific and often advisory comments rather than a specific appraisal valuation of the name "as such". Although I've not done any methodical and scientific analysis in this regard, my estimate is that for each specific valuation there're at least half a dozen general comments often taking the form of a chat session.
Such is the case may be because domain valuation is in reality quite a complex and to large extent a subjective opinion especially when it comes to newer tlds (.INFO/.BIZ/.US, etc). Any thoughts on this?
I apologize if this post is in incorrect forum in which case I won't mind at all it being moved to a more appropriate place.
Such is the case may be because domain valuation is in reality quite a complex and to large extent a subjective opinion especially when it comes to newer tlds (.INFO/.BIZ/.US, etc). Any thoughts on this?
I apologize if this post is in incorrect forum in which case I won't mind at all it being moved to a more appropriate place.