This name has a lot of potential in a specific market.
I spend a great part of my time fighting hackers who take over sites to post Mussilman propaganda. Matter of fact in the last 6 months every site was hacked from middle-east coffee shops. So I would not want to touch that domain with a nameserver as it would be like a honeypot for them. What a target for hackers.
That said, perhaps it would bode well for some middle-east parties who want to address the English speaking market. More desire for such a domain would be the various US and other government agents who would find it a great name to post their slanted propaganda. This could work as they would be vigilant protecting it from the hackers.
If you hold on to it and develop it this world may change but I think it is the same fantasy as change coming with Obama.
I would not have an idea on value because I can't fathom the niche. I mean, what would the site promote (and it is an English domain name not in Arabic) other than propaganda from inherant dictators or military establishments trying to promote their agenda?