I'm not going to appraise any of them because most appraisals around here are cringe unless you have (recent enough) historical data for similar domains to go with... I also won't comment on all of them, just the ones that for whatever reason stick out to me.
WorldBestCoffee.com - I'm not a native speaker, but I believe this is a typo. The proper form would likely be either WorldsBestCoffee.com or BestWorldCoffee.com, with WorldsBestCoffee.com being the much better choice. I would try to sell it to someone who is not bothered by the typo and just wants it for the keywords... I would not hold on to it for to long I think, for the reasons mentioned. If I'm mistaken in my assessment, I apologize.
CellphonesPrepaid.com - vs PrepaidCellphones.com. Similar advice as above.
FindCarDealers.com - I don't know what the market is for these search related domains (I am curious though), but I'd probably develop it and eventually sell it developed with traffic (or keep it).
NewBalanceAustralia.com - I'd be careful with that one, a tiny mistake can make it more trouble than it's worth.
MyAffiliateLinks.com - I'd develop it into a blog reviewing various affiliate programs probably, or sell it to someone who can.
CovidMedicines.com - Tick tock, tick tock... also, isn't plural of "medicine"... medicine? What I mean is, isn't medicine uncountable? Again, I'm not a native speaker so you will know better...
MyFrenchStore.com - I like it, I'd develop it if I were French, or if I knew anything about the French

Would be nice for selling handmade french memorabilia, designs and maybe snacks etc. It's a one man store name, I wouldn't expect to sell it to an actual store or get too much for it, even though it's a nice name for someone trying to open a small online store.
UltimateFishingExperience.com - I like it, if only it were not so long. The length really bothers me, but the message is on point.There's businesses out there offering just that, maybe they won't mind the length as much as it bothers me. It's one letter longer than my longest domain, 2 letters longer than my second longest domain, and 4 letters longer than my third longest one

Other than those three, I try to stay away from long domains. And even though I like my said domains as well, the length really hurts them IMO (I plan to develop them into informational websites though, so that makes it OK).
SecretCorset.com - I don't know anything about corsets, but I like the way it looks and reads. Seems brandable if you're running a specialty corset store.
Cakesforpets.com - I like it and there a newly emerging market for it I believe. Been seeing these kind of pet snack/desert specialty stores popping up in the last 5+ years...
MensGolfGloves.com - Nice, but unfortunately limits the reach by excluding everyone but men (women, children, etc).
DiscountBathTowels.com - Not sure if there's really a market this specialized, but an outlet selling bath towels could maybe use it as a landing page of sorts...
PowerupBattery.com - Eventually a product might be made called like this.
@ukbackorder is right:
"Also if using 3 words make sure they are all essential. Possessives and adjectives, 'my your our best pretty beautiful' etc can usually be replaced with something similar for registration fee."
That's why I said that MyFrenchStore.com is nice for a single person home "store", like someone who has a YouTube channel or sth and is in touch with his audience/customers, but not necessarily for a proper store. Nonetheless, for whatever reason, I feel like it actually works in this case...
What he said might sound harsh, but it's a better advice than what most people give in this forum (because they're trying to be too nice, so they end up saying the most cringe shit).
Anyway, at the very least I see some of these domains as worth developing, so I wouldn't necessarily be as harsh as
@ukbackorder, but as straight up re-sell value, he might be correct in regards to most of them. Having that said, I too own quite a few domains like these, despite knowing very well that they don't necessarily have a strong resale value undeveloped. Keep in mind that I've been around domains since before 2003, so it's not just something newbies do

Sometimes certain keywords just call your name... you have a certain vision or idea about them, and the walet follows.
But the reality of the thing is, 200 mediocre domains cost us $2000 in registration fees per year. For that money one could get 4 nicer $500 domains each year and attempt to flip them. If it takes you a year or two, that's only $40 per year, and you can buy another 4x $500 domains each years with the money saved. Or instead of 4x $500, perhaps 2x $1000, or even 1x $2000. Just something to think about, especially if you're not the type to develop your domains... Shit, now I need to go through my own domains and see what's what