You need to realize that names like this are worth less than zero. In the old days, people used to say "Reg Fee" when appraising worthless names, and they were way too high on their appraisals then.
Yes, even without the typo it is worth less than zero. The reason it is worth in the negative is because you are also spending time on it. I bet you have close to an hour involved in it, already. You have to bid during the auction, transfer the name to your account, park the name, start a thread about it, etc. All of these things take time to do, and even at mimimum wage the clock is ticking.
There is no reason in the world why this name should be worth one penny. Can you look in the mirror and be proud of this name? There are hundreds, if not thousands of names floating around various domain forums right now that actually mean something, and you can get them cheap. Granted, there are lots of garbage names floating around, but there are good names to be had.
I don't know why you would want this name at any price. Most people wouldn't take it if they were paid $5 to take it. It just isn't worth it. Good luck. You are going to have to figure it out pretty quickly or else you will waste a lot of time and money.