- Joined
- Aug 28, 2008
- Messages
- 217
- Reaction score
- 5
The first that POST SOLD will take the domain (no questions asked)
AlabamaEstatePlanners.com $99 (for the Alabama estate planner!)
AllCountyMovers.com $99 (great name for a moving business!)
AttainingHappiness.com $99 (we show you how!)
BabyExercisers.com $99 (give your baby a workout!)
BestHeadPhonesReviews.com $99 (.net/us TAKEN own the .com!)
Bibblo.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
BidderVille.com $99 (great name for an auction site)
BilingualUniversity.com $99 (learn a new language here, enroll today!)
BloodCollectionNeedles.com $99 (nice medical product domain!)
BloodPressureTablets.com $99 (take 2 and call me in the morning!)
Buildingology.com $99 (the science of building!)
BuyOutLeases.com $99 (get out of your lease here!)
CarpentryClass.com $99 (learn how to be a carpenter)
CateringHaven.com $99 (for all your catering needs!)
CellularNook.com $99 (for all your cellular needs)
CharcoalAirFilters.com $99 (awesome product domain!)
CheckVerifying.com $99 (check verification business!)
CircularBlade.com $99 (for your circular saw!)
ConnectingLikeMinds.com $99 (HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
CreateMyReport.com $99 (online report creator)
DelectablesOnline.com $99 (order your today!)
DiscreteReportableTranscription.com $99 (DRT - google it!)
EmploymentReferenceChecking.com $99 (employment pre screening business!)
EnrollmentGroup.com $99 (I like it!)
EuroLitigation.com $99 (euro legal domain!)
EuropeLending.com $99 (loans/lenders Europe based!)
EverydayFeed.com $99 (I like it!)
ExtremeReflections.com $99 (highly BRANDABLE!)
EzHikes.com $99 (calling all hiking businesses)
FabulousCharms.com $99 (order them here!)
FatFreePretzels.com $99 (I eat them all day long!)
FiberMuffins.com $99 (they keep me regular!)
FindingMates.com $99 (the next big dating site!)
FirstClassReputation.com $99 (nice name for a reputation repair site!)
Fleeve.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
FloridaInvestmentAdvisors.com $99 (very nice GEO!)
ForecastAlerts.com $99 (weather, stocks, many things)
FreelanceGhostWriter.com $99 (I like it)
FreeStoring.com $99 (store your stuff for free!)
FullImports.com $99 (nice one for an import business)
Fummer.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
GameDaySpread.com $99 (ideal for a sports site!)
HeadOverHeelsInLove.com $99 (are you?)
HighImpactRoofing.com $99 (great name for a roofing business!)
HistoricalSnapShots.com $99 (of websites, landmarks...)
HowMuchIsAPassport.com $99 (14,800 EXACT local monthly searches!)
HowToGetRidOfBlackMold.com $99 (3600 MONTHLY SEARCHES/CPC $1.93)
HowToMakeMayonnaise.com $99 (8100 EXACT LOCAL SEARCHES/CPC $1.91!)
HowToPreventYeastInfections.com $99 (.net/org/REGISTERED - 2900 MONTHLY SEARCHES)
ImJustBeingHonest.com $99 (you look like you gained a little weight...)
ImmediatePower.com $99 (for those on the go!)
iMustBeSeeingThings.com $99 (for the optometrist!)
InstantOwnership.com $99 (transfer business!!)
ItsJustDelicious.com $99 (this one is mouth watering!)
JerseyShoreAppraisals.com $99 (lots of appraisals happening on the Jersey Shore!)
KosherFruitBaskets.com $99 (order one today!)
LadderUniverse.com $99 (for all your ladder needs)
LayersOfSkin.com $99 (6600 EXACT LOCAL SEARCHES/CPC $7.44!)
LifeGuardClass.com $99 (learn to be a lifeguard!)
LiveSpecimen.com $99 (for the science class!)
LoanGuardians.com $99 (guarding loans is our business!)
LogCreator.com $99 (creates a log file for you)
LongSleeveOnesies.com $99 (what I wear to bed... nice product domain!)
MetroPetSitting.com $99 (for the pet sitter!)
MinimumDailyRequirements.com $99 (See them here!)
MonitorYourCompetition.com $99 (you will learn a lot...)
NationalCinemas.com $99 (nice database of cinemas)
NeedlePointBook.com $99 (purchased a copy for my grandma!)
NothingToSneezeAt.com $99 (catchy phrase!)
OffBeatPlace.com $99 (fun place to visit!)
OfficialScholarships.com $99 (your official scholarship site!)
OnCallComputerRepair.com $99 (on call 24/7)
OrderingContactsOnline.com $99 (HIGH CPC and SEARCH!)
OrientalGinseng.com $99 (3 drops in my tea and look out baby!!)
OutInFullForce.com $99 (catchy phrase!)
OutOfCourtesy.com $99 (courtesy shuttle)
OverTimeTracker.com $99 (nice one!)
PamperYourDoggie.com $99 (pet grooming!)
PaycheckCentral.com $99 (paycheck management company, payroll)
PhoneAppointment.com $99 (make one today)
PrivateCareCenter.com $99 (many uses for private care)
ProgrammingHacks.com $99 (love this one!)
PropertyProwler.com $99 (looking for properties near you!)
ProposedChanges.com $99 (here is a list of the proposed changes)
ProprietarySoftware.net $99 (very nice .net!)
ProTechHosting.com $99 (nice name for a hosting business!)
QuickBatteryCharger.com $99 (charge your battery QUICK!)
QuietAirCompressors.com $99 (these are a must have!)
RadiansToDegrees.com $99 (14,800 EXACT LOCAL SEARCHES/CPC $29.99!)
RichmondAccountingFirm.com $99 (great GEO!)
RisingPopularity.com $99 (makes a great "trending now" site!)
RoommateHunter.com $99 (hunting for a roommate!)
ScriptMeister.com $99 (script business!)
SellThroughRate.com $99 (catchy one for a stat site!)
SemiAutomaticPistol.com $99 (for the gun vertical!)
SendAComplaint.com $99 (not happy with your service, send a complaint!)
SendAnonymousMessages.com $99 (lots of people looking to do this!)
ShootMoreBaskets.com $99 (we show you how!)
SignsOfKidneyFailure.com $99 (14,800 MONTHLY SEARCHES!)
Skears.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
SkewThis.com $99 (another catchy one!)
SmudgeProofMascara.com $99 (my wife needs this!)
SoccerFundraiser.com $99 (great domain for a fund raising business!)
SocialFate.com $99 (nice social domain)
SpectacularBargains.com $99 (find them here!)
StaffingDepot.com $99 (we staff your business!)
StainlessSteelBlenders.com $99 (.net TAKEN own the .com!)
Sukoco.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
Sweebs.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
TheDailyPoop.com $99 (catchy domain for a new or gossip site!)
TheHighDefinition.com $99 (catchy one!)
TheUnemploymentCenter.com $99 (a long line here...)
TheWaterPurifier.com $99 (clean water is important!)
TotallyOneOfaKind.com $99 (my wife...)
TrackingInvestments.com $99 (track your portfolio here!)
TravelExpenseReports.com $99 (all companies have them!)
TypesOfMigraines.com $99 (1900 EXACT LOCAL SEARCHES/HIGH CPC!)
UpgradeYourAccount.com $99 (need an account upgrade?)
UsaClinicalTrials.com $99 (many available thoughout the USA!)
ValetKeyChains.com $99 (very nice product domain!)
VirtualPricing.com $99 (this is a nice one!)
Wannies.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
WeatherNotifications.com $99 (great name for app!)
WeatherSanFranciscoCA.com $99 (12,100 EXACT LOCAL MONTHLY SEARCHES!)
WebVapors.com $99 (nice name for an online vapor shop!)
WeWantYourInput.com $99 (feedback site!)
Whillie.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
YesItsOfficial.com $99 (i'm pregnant...)
YourOwnPrivateIdaho.com $99 (love it!)
ZipCodeRentals.com $99 (rent a zip code, easier then moving!)
The first that POST SOLD will take the domain (no questions asked)
The first that POST SOLD will take the domain (no questions asked)
AlabamaEstatePlanners.com $99 (for the Alabama estate planner!)
AllCountyMovers.com $99 (great name for a moving business!)
AttainingHappiness.com $99 (we show you how!)
BabyExercisers.com $99 (give your baby a workout!)
BestHeadPhonesReviews.com $99 (.net/us TAKEN own the .com!)
Bibblo.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
BidderVille.com $99 (great name for an auction site)
BilingualUniversity.com $99 (learn a new language here, enroll today!)
BloodCollectionNeedles.com $99 (nice medical product domain!)
BloodPressureTablets.com $99 (take 2 and call me in the morning!)
Buildingology.com $99 (the science of building!)
BuyOutLeases.com $99 (get out of your lease here!)
CarpentryClass.com $99 (learn how to be a carpenter)
CateringHaven.com $99 (for all your catering needs!)
CellularNook.com $99 (for all your cellular needs)
CharcoalAirFilters.com $99 (awesome product domain!)
CheckVerifying.com $99 (check verification business!)
CircularBlade.com $99 (for your circular saw!)
ConnectingLikeMinds.com $99 (HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
CreateMyReport.com $99 (online report creator)
DelectablesOnline.com $99 (order your today!)
DiscreteReportableTranscription.com $99 (DRT - google it!)
EmploymentReferenceChecking.com $99 (employment pre screening business!)
EnrollmentGroup.com $99 (I like it!)
EuroLitigation.com $99 (euro legal domain!)
EuropeLending.com $99 (loans/lenders Europe based!)
EverydayFeed.com $99 (I like it!)
ExtremeReflections.com $99 (highly BRANDABLE!)
EzHikes.com $99 (calling all hiking businesses)
FabulousCharms.com $99 (order them here!)
FatFreePretzels.com $99 (I eat them all day long!)
FiberMuffins.com $99 (they keep me regular!)
FindingMates.com $99 (the next big dating site!)
FirstClassReputation.com $99 (nice name for a reputation repair site!)
Fleeve.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
FloridaInvestmentAdvisors.com $99 (very nice GEO!)
ForecastAlerts.com $99 (weather, stocks, many things)
FreelanceGhostWriter.com $99 (I like it)
FreeStoring.com $99 (store your stuff for free!)
FullImports.com $99 (nice one for an import business)
Fummer.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
GameDaySpread.com $99 (ideal for a sports site!)
HeadOverHeelsInLove.com $99 (are you?)
HighImpactRoofing.com $99 (great name for a roofing business!)
HistoricalSnapShots.com $99 (of websites, landmarks...)
HowMuchIsAPassport.com $99 (14,800 EXACT local monthly searches!)
HowToGetRidOfBlackMold.com $99 (3600 MONTHLY SEARCHES/CPC $1.93)
HowToMakeMayonnaise.com $99 (8100 EXACT LOCAL SEARCHES/CPC $1.91!)
HowToPreventYeastInfections.com $99 (.net/org/REGISTERED - 2900 MONTHLY SEARCHES)
ImJustBeingHonest.com $99 (you look like you gained a little weight...)
ImmediatePower.com $99 (for those on the go!)
iMustBeSeeingThings.com $99 (for the optometrist!)
InstantOwnership.com $99 (transfer business!!)
ItsJustDelicious.com $99 (this one is mouth watering!)
JerseyShoreAppraisals.com $99 (lots of appraisals happening on the Jersey Shore!)
KosherFruitBaskets.com $99 (order one today!)
LadderUniverse.com $99 (for all your ladder needs)
LayersOfSkin.com $99 (6600 EXACT LOCAL SEARCHES/CPC $7.44!)
LifeGuardClass.com $99 (learn to be a lifeguard!)
LiveSpecimen.com $99 (for the science class!)
LoanGuardians.com $99 (guarding loans is our business!)
LogCreator.com $99 (creates a log file for you)
LongSleeveOnesies.com $99 (what I wear to bed... nice product domain!)
MetroPetSitting.com $99 (for the pet sitter!)
MinimumDailyRequirements.com $99 (See them here!)
MonitorYourCompetition.com $99 (you will learn a lot...)
NationalCinemas.com $99 (nice database of cinemas)
NeedlePointBook.com $99 (purchased a copy for my grandma!)
NothingToSneezeAt.com $99 (catchy phrase!)
OffBeatPlace.com $99 (fun place to visit!)
OfficialScholarships.com $99 (your official scholarship site!)
OnCallComputerRepair.com $99 (on call 24/7)
OrderingContactsOnline.com $99 (HIGH CPC and SEARCH!)
OrientalGinseng.com $99 (3 drops in my tea and look out baby!!)
OutInFullForce.com $99 (catchy phrase!)
OutOfCourtesy.com $99 (courtesy shuttle)
OverTimeTracker.com $99 (nice one!)
PamperYourDoggie.com $99 (pet grooming!)
PaycheckCentral.com $99 (paycheck management company, payroll)
PhoneAppointment.com $99 (make one today)
PrivateCareCenter.com $99 (many uses for private care)
ProgrammingHacks.com $99 (love this one!)
PropertyProwler.com $99 (looking for properties near you!)
ProposedChanges.com $99 (here is a list of the proposed changes)
ProprietarySoftware.net $99 (very nice .net!)
ProTechHosting.com $99 (nice name for a hosting business!)
QuickBatteryCharger.com $99 (charge your battery QUICK!)
QuietAirCompressors.com $99 (these are a must have!)
RadiansToDegrees.com $99 (14,800 EXACT LOCAL SEARCHES/CPC $29.99!)
RichmondAccountingFirm.com $99 (great GEO!)
RisingPopularity.com $99 (makes a great "trending now" site!)
RoommateHunter.com $99 (hunting for a roommate!)
ScriptMeister.com $99 (script business!)
SellThroughRate.com $99 (catchy one for a stat site!)
SemiAutomaticPistol.com $99 (for the gun vertical!)
SendAComplaint.com $99 (not happy with your service, send a complaint!)
SendAnonymousMessages.com $99 (lots of people looking to do this!)
ShootMoreBaskets.com $99 (we show you how!)
SignsOfKidneyFailure.com $99 (14,800 MONTHLY SEARCHES!)
Skears.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
SkewThis.com $99 (another catchy one!)
SmudgeProofMascara.com $99 (my wife needs this!)
SoccerFundraiser.com $99 (great domain for a fund raising business!)
SocialFate.com $99 (nice social domain)
SpectacularBargains.com $99 (find them here!)
StaffingDepot.com $99 (we staff your business!)
StainlessSteelBlenders.com $99 (.net TAKEN own the .com!)
Sukoco.com $99 (short, catchy and HIGHLY BRANDABLE!)
Sweebs.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
TheDailyPoop.com $99 (catchy domain for a new or gossip site!)
TheHighDefinition.com $99 (catchy one!)
TheUnemploymentCenter.com $99 (a long line here...)
TheWaterPurifier.com $99 (clean water is important!)
TotallyOneOfaKind.com $99 (my wife...)
TrackingInvestments.com $99 (track your portfolio here!)
TravelExpenseReports.com $99 (all companies have them!)
TypesOfMigraines.com $99 (1900 EXACT LOCAL SEARCHES/HIGH CPC!)
UpgradeYourAccount.com $99 (need an account upgrade?)
UsaClinicalTrials.com $99 (many available thoughout the USA!)
ValetKeyChains.com $99 (very nice product domain!)
VirtualPricing.com $99 (this is a nice one!)
Wannies.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
WeatherNotifications.com $99 (great name for app!)
WeatherSanFranciscoCA.com $99 (12,100 EXACT LOCAL MONTHLY SEARCHES!)
WebVapors.com $99 (nice name for an online vapor shop!)
WeWantYourInput.com $99 (feedback site!)
Whillie.com $99 (short, catchy and BRANDABLE!)
YesItsOfficial.com $99 (i'm pregnant...)
YourOwnPrivateIdaho.com $99 (love it!)
ZipCodeRentals.com $99 (rent a zip code, easier then moving!)
The first that POST SOLD will take the domain (no questions asked)