Well frankly it is impossible to go through all this garbage for sale on DNForum to find the good ones. I stopped checking domains for sale here long time ago. Only if I see something obviously great at first sight I click and check.
BTW I am rodering domains from Namejet just few minutes before deadline so nobody can live of my hard work
Yeah this happens quite often. These guys portfolios must be full of crap domains which does not make even reg. fee. Someone from Fabulous (DBS) published some stats - in their 500K domains portfolio they have 375K crappy domains which make in average just $1/year. So they are loosing like $6 per each of such domain, every year.
Schilling and Vaxis will have similar shit, maybe not so bad but still lot of shit.
I drop every domain which does not earn at least reg. fee as such domain is worthless in my books. I do not care market. I dropped even a lot of LNL.com and did not care I could sell it $50 a pop because it is too much hassle for me not worth the money.
the last minute order is good strategy, glad you shared.
the spam lists from namejet of 'most backordered' makes it damn near impossible to 'steal' a goodie anymore.
as for 3 char com's, i posted some for sale and only got min offers or less.
each year resell price goes up, so no problem with keeping them.
lately, been selling a few
multi-word, "very low revenue" domains to unknowns from incoming email/phone inquiries, so that rev is supporting my patience!
check'n my names on Nj....