I hate to be harsh but this name is worth less than zero. Those other two alleged sales are both terrible names, as well. I know a lot of people see a sale and they think they can create something out of air that is worth something, but it rarely happens. If those other two sales actually happened, the seller should thank the stars for their good-fortune.
The odds are essentially zero that someone from another country is going to create a hypenated name out of nothing and have it be worth anything. The odds are close to zero anyways, but not being a native speaker of the language creates problems like this. Even the name without the hyphen reall isn't that good. I mean, BusinessPerson.com shouldn't be worth anything, either, and it isn't, trust me.
Don't let me ruin your fun. Why not channel your energies into buying names of value? There are names floating around on all of the forums that are actually worth something. You can also email people and buy names that way.
If you are from Tangier, then use that to your advantage. There are likely many things you know about that someone like myself has no clue. Stick to what you know best, then branch out from there.