I'm beginning to buy advertising for June. I've got a few sites to advertise
including my weight loss forum and online pharmacy. I'm interested in text
links only.
Feel free to post or PM me offers. Please INCLUDE
* Text link size
* Cost
* Ad placement (where the ad is placed)
* Site stats (page views, unique visitors, etc...)
* Is it in rotation, if so how many are rotated
* How you accept payment
* Discounts for volume purchases?
including my weight loss forum and online pharmacy. I'm interested in text
links only.
Feel free to post or PM me offers. Please INCLUDE
* Text link size
* Cost
* Ad placement (where the ad is placed)
* Site stats (page views, unique visitors, etc...)
* Is it in rotation, if so how many are rotated
* How you accept payment
* Discounts for volume purchases?