752 hits on Google, CamDog.com gets better the more you look into it. Althogh there's more to it (see links below), I visualize a camera on a dog, which is a concept that I would click on. ACamDog.com and CamCat.com are both working sites. The following link talks about a cam dog:
Most members in this board post a quick price or a one-line comment just to get a DNForum buck. I use a few tools such as Google, DomainSurfer, MarketLeap, TESS trademark search, Acronymfinder, and others. Sometimes I am surprised to find some real possibilities for a domain. I suggest to domain collectors that they read technology articles and trade journals, not just for the articles, but to see the ads where professional enterprise domains are listed. This will give you a sense for how professional domains are crafted, and which domain prefixes and suffixes are hot in the various technology industries.