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Can Someone explain this forum term to me & a few other things

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Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 6, 2007
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I'm back from my first suspension, which I actually consider an honor, as something I said must have struck a nerve, but would appreciate someone clarifying some things about domain name value & terms on this board.

I initially was under the impression that the value of a domain name was generally in regard to the demand for it that someone would use to put a website on for ecommerce or information. Is that correct or are we talking about an artificial value for something that has no use created by people.
That is not meant as commentary or a put down but just my new revisionist thinking based on observations. IE, a domain name like Hypothetically 123xy.com would have no practical use other then people saying there are only so many letter number combinations in the world, therefore because of the scarcity this is worth so many dollars that people are willing to pay even though it has no intrinsic use. It would be like collecting stamps but instead of a physical product you have an intangible product that some people have created their own market for. Is this correct or not? I find it totally bizarre, and this could be my biggest financial mistake which at least I admit, that a domain name that would have valuable uses as an ecommerce name doesn't get business here but names like hypothetically ttttrrs.com does.

As for terms, what does end user mean?


Lifetime Exclusive Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 24, 2007
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I initially was under the impression that the value of a domain name was generally in regard to the demand for it that someone would use to put a website on for ecommerce or information. Is that correct or are we talking about an artificial value for something that has no use created by people?...this could be my biggest financial mistake which at least I admit, that a domain name that would have valuable uses as an ecommerce name doesn't get business here but names like hypothetically ttttrrs.com does.

As for terms, what does end user mean?

I sense you are discouraged right now. I also started out with the same impression you had, peachesbackwards. And I was discouraged for awhile, too.

I started out buying only domains that are fairly short and rich in keywords, especially keywords related to specific kinds of businesses, or issues that I thought would be up and coming. I restricted myself to only buying .COM names, as they are the default that your browser finishes a type-in name with. I figured I would market them to the appropriate end users. It had not occurred to me that there were so many other aspects to the domain business - speculating on some like rare stamps or only buying them for traffic. As I said, I was TOTALLY new to this.

Then, after I started reading a lot of posts on this forum and looking at the kinds of domain names they were selling and requesting, I became a bit disillusioned. I also worried that I had wasted money on the 560+ domains I bought. I even bought a handful of LLLL and CVCV domains to try to "keep up."

But now that I've thought about it extensively, I've come back full circle. I realize that even though I temporarily strayed from my original vision and bought a few non-keyword domains (like PTFF.NET, MRZC.INFO, MYBR.INFO, CRGF.ORG and a few others like that) I have no real idea of how to market those. I am not trying to diminish the value of those who do trade in domains like that, but my brain doesn't wrap around those well enough to figure out who is an appropriate buyer to target.

I agree with dcristo's comment above. I want to market to end users -- the people or businesses who will buy the domain to build a web presence around it. I understand how to do that. Each of my original domains are keyword domains. They are complete concepts that mean something to me. I can look at the domain name and figure out what sort of business or industry might be interested in it. Below are just a few examples from my portfolio and whom I perceive the potential end user to be.

BOOMERSHARE.COM - Social networking site for boomers
BLOGFORHIRE.COM - Professional blogger
CAREFREECANINE.COM - Veterinarian or pet specialty store
CRITICSCOUCH.COM - Movie critic, restaurant critic, blogger, etc.
FASTEASYMEDS.COM - Online drug store
FINANCESMADEEASY.COM - Financial advisors or investment counselors
GOODROOMMATES.COM - Renter referral service
GORGEOUSCONDOS.COM - Condo builder/developer
GOURMETCOFFEEWORLD.COM - Gourmet coffee dealer
JETSETLUXURY.COM - High end travel services
MYSLEEPAID.COM - Pharmaceutical company
RETIREMENTSAFETYNET.COM, etc. - Financial advisors or investment counselors

I understand now that there are MANY aspects to this whole Domainer business. Each is valid in its own way. And the particular niche I am most comfortable with is the keyword rich domains for sale to end users.

I have decided to build myself a site to market my domains. It may take a while to build up, but I am confident that this is the right way for me. In the mean time, I am glad I have learned so much from seeing what others do here. It has helped me clarify what I want to do. And I have found valuable advice on dealing with some of the technicalities I needed to learn. (WordPress, etc.)

I'm not sure if this is helpful to you, but I believe that we each have to follow our own vision and stake out the corner of the market that works for us. I'm glad to have gone through the disillusion about whether what I was doing would work. Now, I'm very clear about the path I want to take with this.

I hope you will be able to clarify what you want to do with it, as well.




Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 6, 2007
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If in fact I am not blacklisted here, as both a newcomer and someone who isn't afraid to say what other people are thinking here, I basically can accept that this website is not a place to flip a "Keyword rich" name. That was a mistake of mine that I'll own up to. The only domain names I purchase now at registered costs are ones for me to put an ecommerce domain site on. I honestly haven't learned anything on this site other then I'm not the only person who see's things that aren't kosher. I personally don't care & have no problem minding my own business but when people deliberately publicly post either ridiculously low offers when one clearly states that offers are to be my private message only or people place comments when the forum says no comments to deliberately lower your domain values and certain moderators look the other way, I basically learned this forum is not for me. At least I take solice in the fact, that other people are aware of this behavior too.


Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2005
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toria was nice enough to post a really long helpful post, and that's all you have to say? you sound pissed off because you got banned. get over it.


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 6, 2007
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I can't comment on the others, but BlogforHire.com is a great name. As an experiment you ought to place it on "Offers wanted". I'm guessing "the Cartel" won't do business with you which will only prove my theory or they'll lowball you publically or privately. Yet some nonscence like __ing_t.com (I'm not going to spell this out) gets bids and "they" say how great and brandable it is.


Lifetime Exclusive Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 24, 2007
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toria was nice enough to post a really long helpful post, and that's all you have to say? you sound pissed off because you got banned. get over it.
Thanks, dcristo for the nice comment. I was hoping my post would be helpful to peachesbackwards, but the value of advice, like beauty, seems to be in the eye of the beholder.

I can only offer what I've experienced. If someone else doesn't find it valuable -- oh well.



Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 6, 2007
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Christo, are you a member of "The Cartel" or did you think that would impress them by harassing me. I am now keeping track of harassment by people like you.


Lifetime Exclusive Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 24, 2007
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I can't comment on the others, but BlogforHire.com is a great name. As an experiment you ought to place it on "Offers wanted". I'm guessing "the Cartel" won't do business with you which will only prove my theory or they'll lowball you publically or privately. Yet some nonscence like __ing_t.com (I'm not going to spell this out) gets bids and "they" say how great and brandable it is.

Glad to hear you think BlogforHire.com would be marketable. I was thinking of putting it up for sale to a wider audience -- hopefully end users, rather than speculators. I thought it might fetch more money that way. As I said, I'm still finding my way with a bunch of this stuff.



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Feb 25, 2005
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You call that harassment? You have alot of growing up to do kid. BTW I ain't here to impress anyone, I am here to learn and do business.


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 6, 2007
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You would think though that a place that sells domain naames you could actually sell a useable ecommerce domain name! But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Anyway, its a great name I'm sure if you list it on this forum and say private messages only, someone from some place you never heard of with an idiot screen name will offer you $1.99 Seriously, good luck, great name. It might be worth investing $60 or so to list it on SEDO.


Lifetime Exclusive Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 24, 2007
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toria was nice enough to post a really long helpful post, and that's all you have to say? you sound pissed off because you got banned. get over it.

I'm curious, dcristo. Your first post on this thread was advice to sell to end users. After reading my longish post (above) do you have any advice or wisdom about finding end users?

I was thinking that instead of actually contacting people or companies and offering the domains to them (weak marketing position), that I would build a site offering keyword rich domains, organized by categories and perhaps buy some adwords to get traffic...

Since I'm new to this, I figure there is a lot I don't know....



Level 9
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 31, 2005
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I basically can accept that this website is not a place to flip a "Keyword rich" name.

I agree 100% - This is a place where many resellers and almost no end users hang out. Resellers are not interested in web developing, the only thing they(we) want is a potential ROI with as little work as possible. In order to make sure they will get the ROI, they play safe and invest in domains that have a defined(to some extent) value in the current market. It is either (1) Revenue names, where they can precisely calculate the time it will take them to get the ROI + profit, (2) High quality generics and (3) Liquid domains. The latter represents the category of names that are "hot" in the current market. Domain names that increase in value at a fast rate (50-200% per year) and the reseller knows that if he buys such a name he will get a ROI+nice profit almost certainly by next year. Justifiable or not, a bubble or not, the market right now is hot for the ultra liquid LLL.com/net's and pronounceable LLLL.com's .
And the only reason that these names are so liquid is that there are many potential end users who will eventually pay big money to buy them - The simple guideline is: The more potential end users out there, the easier it is for a domain name to be liquefied in the reseller market.

Resellers will not buy(unless it is an obvious gem like NewYorkLoans.com) keyword rich domains from other resellers because there is nothing that tells them that they will get ROI for that. The risk is high. They do register however these names because the risk of investment is low when we are talking about $7-8/name.

Before I sum up I would like to note that I would have a hell of a time (and could be laughed at) if I tried to sell MinnesotaHeartSurgeon.com for low $x,xxx in this forum, even though the domain has a much higher value to some Heart Surgeons in Minnesota. You will see resellers register hundreds and thousands of such domains, but they all aim for end users(either passively or actively) and none of the savvy ones tries to sell them here - they know they would be wasting their time.

So my advise is, if you want to flip names in reseller forums, supply your inventory with domains that fall into the 3 categories I described above. Don't be disappointed that you cannot sell your keyword rich domain names here, nobody can.

I personally don't care & have no problem minding my own business but when people deliberately publicly post either ridiculously low offers when one clearly states that offers are to be my private message only or people place comments when the forum says no comments to deliberately lower your domain values and certain moderators look the other way

I agree with you on this, it is something that needs to be addressed by the forum staff because it is getting out of hand.


Lifetime Exclusive Member
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 24, 2007
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Thanks for the clarification, Petros. I definitely want to sell keyword domains to end users. Are you doing any of that, or are you only buying in the three categories you listed?

I was thinking that instead of actually contacting people or companies and offering the domains to them (weak marketing position), that I would build a site offering keyword rich domains, organized by categories and perhaps buy some adwords to get traffic...

Since I'm new to this, I figure there is a lot I don't know, and if someone has already invented the wheel or tried something that didn't work, it would be nice to know.




Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Aug 11, 2006
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You would think though that a place that sells domain naames you could actually sell a useable ecommerce domain name! But NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Anyway, its a great name I'm sure if you list it on this forum and say private messages only, someone from some place you never heard of with an idiot screen name will offer you $1.99 Seriously, good luck, great name. It might be worth investing $60 or so to list it on SEDO.

well piss off then if you don't like it, all you do is complain and crybaby anyway


Level 5
Legacy Platinum Member
Dec 26, 2007
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Interesting thread.
I'm an end user looking for ways to optimize some of my sites. SEO searches eventually led me here. Now I have a handful of sites parked and making pennies while I keep learning.
Toria and Petrosc made some really worthwhile comments there. There is little I can add of value, but I sit back and read many threads and try to learn too.
Like, Now that I have C-P-1 ( Credit Problems ) and O-N-E, I haven't a clue how to turn a profit on them. :?: But I'm willing to learn.

And Yes, I offered 1DnF$ for something because I hadn't a clue what it was.:blush: I'll probably do it again too!


þórr mjǫlnir
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 26, 2007
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Peach, I'm relatively new to domaining (1 year) and new to the forum, too (about a month and a half). I feel I am considered an outsider by many still, but hey, it's like that in any industry. Yes, there is some narcissism (sp?) in the domaing world, but where isn't there?

I've put domains up for sale only to have the posts run dry without even a nibble. Frustrating? Hell yes! I've had domains "appriaised" much lower than I expected. Frustrating? Hell yes again!

You (and I, or others) may think that a domain is worth $1,000. Some people here will agree, others will think it is worth $250, some will think it is worth a reg fee, and others may think it is more. It is hit or miss. It can be discouraging, but it is also an opprotunity to learn.

A good way to avoid low-ballers: set a minimum price.

This market also fluctuates a lot. A domain that is worthless today could be worth hundreds or thousands tomorrow because of some news (DSRL is a good example).

Bill Roy

Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Dec 5, 2005
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Peaches, firstly, it is not an honour to be suspended or banned from this forum. Yes we have some 'characters' on here and it is almost a running joke that they get suspended, but whilst suspended they cannot contribute to the forum nor conduct business on it. In essence what a waste occurs for them and for the other members of this forum.

There have been good replies posted and ones that are clearly written in an attempt to help you, please note them and what is said in them, the authors gave both their time and knowledge for you.
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