You are a pretty good sport. I give you credit for that. You way overpaid for this name and you will be taking it to your grave with you (thought I hope you live to be 100).
Always remember, that whenever someone like Great Domains, Sedo, or any other domain group is trying to sell you a name, you can pretty much be guaranteed that the name is overpriced by a million miles. You can take one thing to the bank, and that is the fact that Sedo and the Great Domain people are not in the business of charity. When they see a good name in their system they take it for themselves. They try to push the dogshit onto unsuspecting newbie domainers and anyone else they can find who doesn't know the value of names.
They are all FRAUDS in my book, and I instantly delete any email I get from any of them. When someone with lots of knowledge about a product is offering to sell/broker that product to someone without lots of knowledge, it is a mismatch and it is best to stay away.
They took advantage of you, but you allowed yourself to be taken advantage of. There is zero chance that any of those people involved in this sale would ever suggest to someone they cared about that they buy this name for $360. That means that they are selling a rotten product and cannot be trusted. Every honest businessman knows that the only honest business is when you sell a product that you would actually buy for yourself at that price.
That is why you see pizza shops and restaurants in small towns stay open for 40 years. They are selling an honest product at a price they would pay themselves. And they use the product. Same thing with a company like Apple. They sell products that increase the enjoyment of fellow human beings, and the people purchasing the products improve their lives in exchange for some cash. And the people at Apple use the products that they are trying to sell to you. I don't even have Apple products, but they became the biggest company in the world because they are selling a worthwhile product at prices that they would pay themselves.
An example of a rotten product is when the banks are selling you money in the form of loans in order to buy a house for zero dollars down, yet they are unwilling to take the risk of you not paying back the money, because the rotten product (the overpriced house) is a bad deal. This is how you destroy the world financial system, when rotten products get pushed around.
That is also why this forum is an absolute ghost town of horse manure, where it was once an action place with lots of activity. Lots of dogshit was allowed to infiltrate, and the only thing worse than the lousy names floating around are the lousy people who allowed all of the scammers to ruin the forum for years......without calling them out on their scams.