I appreciate all the comments. I may invest as I always do in domains, but was looking for something else. I may also try and go with something more riskier.
I'm still weighing my options and looking over all the current suggestions. If anyone else has any comments feel free to post them.
Thanks all
Hello, I have been for many years a stockbroker and financial advisor.
Let`s make something clear:
there is NO RISK FREE INVESTMENT, it simply does not exist.
The safer the investment is , the less return you get. That`s why BONDS offer you very little. But DON`T THINK for a second that by investing in BONDS you are risk free. Ask to the people who lost totally their money which was invested in Argentina`s Bonds, yes Bonds emitted by A COUNTRY, not a Company.
In today`s situacion, I won`t put my money in a financial investment.
Domains ,
some real-estate (not all and not everywhere) offer the best pros with less cons.
Other than that, I`d keep spare cash in a simple ING saving account which pays pretty well.
If instead you like to risk, there is something happening in Zimbabwe.
This is the current exchange rate:
The Zimbabwean currency tumbled to a record 25 million dollars for a single US dollar in March.
I wonder if with a new government the current currency will lose totally its value or not.
There were similar cases in Kuwait and Iraq but this is not totally like those.
In Kuwait many investors got rich once the currency recovered while in Iraq the old currency was replaced by a new Iraq Dinar.
What could happen here?