Excellent name. If charge cards are the majority in Europe then you are likely better off trying to sell it to a company there... despite competition from other TLD's such as .eu or .co.uk.
I think it's worth $25,000 reseller, but could be high $xx,xxx for the end user.
To be quite honest, though, I can't picture it being used in any advertising campaigns... the same way that creditcard.com wouldn't do well for a major credit card provider. There is such a thing as too generic.
That does not at all mean it's a useless name. I can picture it being used in one of two ways...
a) Owned by a major charge card vendor such as American Express just to keep it out of the competition's hands, and hopefully land the occasional type-in. Maybe even build a landing page to explain a thing or two about charge cards and try to coax viewers into applying.
b) Owned by an affiliate marketer who gets paid for leads from charge card providers. A DNF user here by the username "owntag" has a site
www.mycreditcard.com which to my knowledge does offer a few charge cards. You might want to speak to him... he sure would know what to do with it.