grcorp, I appreciate your advice, unfortunitley, I don't know what a lot of that means. I was thinking about finding a Checkers API and put it up along with some Google adwords and then Search engine optimize and see what i can rake in (even if it's pennies a day). - Am I being naive? if so, can you point me in a better direction?
A checkers API will not be difficult to find at all. However, as your site (if I understand your intentions correctly) won't have much (if any) unique content, it would not be accepted for Google Adwords.
I'd recommend googling "free checkers" or "play checkers online" to get an idea as to what the presently high-ranking sites are doing right.
As for your revenue, assuming you're paying $8.00 to renew the name every year, you need to make at least 2 cents per day to break even. This does not count your hosting costs, nor your time spent developing.
Are you at all familiar with Clickbank? You can earn commissions of up to 75% on affiliate sales of ebooks, which in one sale alone can pay off your domain renewal. I just got a check for $65.55 from Clickbank a few days ago for posting one blog article with an affiliate link in it and doing nothing else. That was less than half a year ago. If you can lure potential customers to your site with a free game of checkers, it's more opportunity to earn commissions.
---------- Post added at 12:58 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:32 AM ----------
P.S. "" is valued more on - Do you think i should develop checkersfirst instead? I feel like "Play Checkers for Free" would get typed in a lot more to google, no?
I'm kind of trying to do what "" does only simplier. I thought it'd nice that I wouldn't be competeing with
First off, valuations from, and the like are meaningless when it comes to developing sites. I think Checkersfirst is far superior to Checkersforfree. Remember, you can put in the meta tags terms including and similar to "play checkers for free".
While may seem complicated, it's exactly what you want from a developer's perspective.
By obfuscating the path from typing in "" to being able to play chess, a viewer must visit more pages, which triggers more page views, which is more revenue in the publisher's pocket. It also gives the user a chance to encounter other things of interest which perhaps might prolong their stay, causing more page views, and once again, more revenue.
Another added benefit is more pages with unique content on each page is great for SEO to get you a better ranking.