Value of this name can be different things as a quick flip 5k-7k ( this like a week advertising on If you hold out on dnforum you could command 10-12k that reflects highest resellser price and if you go to major auctions like traffic I think 20k+ plus would not be hard or eve rick latona newsletter. The value of the name lays in the ideas thier area lot of clubs that are non profit organizations like toastmasters,boys and girsl club,and aristocratic clubs also the domain can be turned into a club directory for nonprofits clubs all over,or it can be turned into a social network where clubs post member info which can be something close to the linkedin platform.Basically based on brevity , keyword fits extension, broad usage , and generic appeal( this what moves names on the reseller market). I would not expect anythting less than 25k Because one thing I am learning about here if you get a reseller approach to the domain I multiply the median amount 5x-10x One thing about getting people opinions it is based on if they had the money what is the most they would spend So ost reseller are looking at can I sale it ad double the money.90% of dnforum would go with 5k price but remember go for 10% of the potential buyers this where the money is so don't go for anything less than 25k.