CNNIC Pushes China's Youth To Use .CN Domain Names
March 22, 2007
China Internet Network Information Center is making great efforts to promote the use of .CN domain names by young Chinese Internet users.
Following the recent one yuan .CN domain name promotion in China, it has now turned its eyes to teenagers in China and is advocating them to use the .CN domain names. On March 20, CNNIC, in cooperation with China Campus Healthy Action Team, launched a campaign clumsily called "For the Next Generation: Have Them Win from the Starting Point of the Internet", calling on ociety to be concerned with .CN domain name applications and enhance teenagers' ability in using the Internet to maintain China's sustainable competitiveness. The Chinese government and its Internet agencies have frequently said that use of .CN is in China's best national interests because foreign governments and organizations do not have control over this top-level domain area.
China Campus Healthy Action Team was set up by 12 Chinese government departments including China Care for the Next Generation Work Commission, the Ministry of Culture and China's Ministry of Education. Its main task for this year is to promote the development of teenagers' healthy use of the Internet.
CNNIC's statistics show that China currently has more than 23 million netizens below the age of 18, and teenagers' use of internet is still in the initial stage in China. In recent months, there has also been fear that teenagers are spending too much time playing computer games and Internet addiction has also become an overblown media sensation.