Hello Kate. Thanks for your email and passing this information onto me.
We have already canceled this auction because the seller had listed it
fraudulently in our system. You're right; this domain does not exist and
cannot be auctioned and sold. Sedo.com has a zero tolerance policy for
fakers and those who list domains that don't belong to them. Though all
domains go through an internal verification check before being listed in a
user's account, unfortunately at times, one may slip through the cracks.
Listing a domain that does not lawfully belong to someone is a complete
violation of Sedo's terms of use.
Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. I'll be
happy to help.
Best Regards,
Monica Ibrahim
Customer Relations Representative
Sedo.com :: One Broadway :: Cambridge, MA 02142
tel 617-758-4292 :: fax 617-577-3983
http://www.sedo.com :: #################
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>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: #################
>> Sent: Thursday, February 22, 2007 9:37 AM
>> To: Monica Ibrahim
>> Subject: Other
>> Login: #################
>> User Id: #################
>> #################
>> Login: #################
>> Name: #################
>> Email: #################
>> Telefon:
>> Topic: Other
>> Domain: co.co.uk on auction
>> Comments:
>> Hello,
>> I see that co.co.uk is being auctioned.
>> This domain does not exist and is not a grandfathered 2-letter .co.uk
>> domain:
>> bin/whois.cgi?query=co.co.uk&WHOIS+Submit.x=32&WH
>> OIS+Submit.y=1
>> In other words it does not look like a genuine offer. Can you have a look
>> into this ?
>> Regards,
>> Kate