There is a distinct difference between "transferring" a name, and PUSHING a name. To "TRANSFER" a name, *usually* implies you are switching registrars entirely.
"PUSHING" a name on the other hand, usually means the registrar is simply reassigning the name to another user account. In the case of eNom, GoDaddy, Network Solutions, and a handful of others... "pushing" is a very easy operation. Companies like charge as much as $200 for intra-registrar ownership "transfers". GoDaddy only allows a "ownership transfer" (or "PUSH") every 60 days, while eNom allows them every 7 days. Internal pushes/transfers can be as easy or hard as the the authoritative registrar lets them be.
Also, "pushing" is generally FREE, while true "transfers" cost a fee, and generally add a year of registration to the name.
~ Nexus