auDA have a *very* long way to go in order to properly open up the marketplace. What the original post omitted was that you have to wait 6 months before selling it! Oh and you also can't "register a domain name for the sole purpose of resale or transfer to a third party".
So before you jump in and think "oh yeah lets register a heap of's" - step back and read the fine print.
Joe: Was it worth it?
Yes Simon
I found it very informative
For example the "thought crime" of registering a domain name for the sole purpose of resale was explained
Firstly, compliance is normally only pursued after a complaint
Secondly the the "thought crime" provision and the 6 month rule are a compromise to those sections of the community who feared get rich quick schemes duping people and to try and maintain the current inegrity of the name space
If you have tried to monetize a DN for 6 months, and then decide to sell, you will satisfy the rules
1) I`m interested in any with traffic
2) before to jump on any LLL countdown, I would first ask to AUDA if and when they plan to release the second level otherwise you just may end up buying rubbish (and I remember in 2006 there were available at reg fee but I did not take them because of the third level
Join can join AUDA yourself for about $20
Then you nominate for the consultative bodies
You can make submissions
I don't even know what a 3rd level is?
I do know that the LL com .aus were auctioned by auda about 3 years ago. I was outbid on many by a substantial amount
Those passed in were available at reg fee
They all went within days
Non Australians can buy but need to register an ABN to do so. I know a range of UK affiliate marketers in the space who operate sites from there.
simon - I didn't omit anything - as you see the link to the full details are in the first post. I personally don't care about holding names for 6 months and there is no way that they can enforce whether you just brought the name just to on sell. The fact that sales are possible at all with out all completing stat decs etc is great. It was such a hassle buying my first off someone 18 months ago, its was basically buying there business.
I wonder if boomerang is going to unload any of there 10,000+ premium .com.aus
I Sold Grandma - 1/200th wow. I would be keen to purchase at that rate. Somehow I don't believe it. would only be worth around 15k. I personally am willing to pay 100,000 AUD for a couple of names I want. So again the market will decide.
If anyone has some premium 1 word let me know or with traffic - also interested in, PM me.
Soj - whats you budget? what theme are you after? When I purchase a name, I have an idea for a site to go with it. Generally at this stage I am looking to buy names rather than sell them but everyone has there price.
Maybe was underpriced
What multiple of PPC annual revenue are you prepared to pay?
Are you interested in generics with traffic