I have to jump on you again. You have to ask yourself what makes a name have value. There either has to be traffic, or you have to imagine someone wanting to buy the name and turning it into a site. There are some phrases that are worth registering, but this is not one of them. It is not even a phrase, just two words that don't have any commercial appeal (and won't get traffic).
I am doing you a favor by letting you know about this. Somewhere you got on the wrong track, and if you keep spending time trying to come up with names like this then you are going to be real disappointed when you look back on how you spent your time. You need to snap out of this......and quick.
I will give you an example of a name I registered before. It was FalseConfession.com. Yes, people do falsely confess, and the two words are found plenty of times when you do a Google Search, but the name is just a time-waster (I no longer have it, thankfully). There is no commercial applicability, and it just doesn't have the power to ever attract type-in traffic or someone who would want to buy it. Now, if I would have registered PoliceBrutality.com you can start to see the difference......someone could put up a site where there were videos of the Police Brutality.....it actually makes sense that someone could possibly want to buy it.
ControllingEmotions.com just doesn't cut it as a domain name.