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CoolHost and NameCaster banned - what's going on?

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DNF Regular
Jun 13, 2002
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Why have these two been banned? I have never seen any posts by either of these two where their behaviour has warranted banning - on the contrary - I have enjoyed their contributions to the DNF. CoolHost has obviously been a top poster and was congratulated on that in the lounge recently. What's going on?

BTW, mods or management please let me know if I am stepping over any lines - I don't really want to join CoolHost and NameCaster.

Mr Webname

Legacy Exclusive Member
Jan 29, 2003
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I guess you just can't carry on as though you own the place or continue to verbally abuse the owner without expecting some response.
Whatever individual opinions may be (and I support reasonable freedom of speech) you cannot verbally abuse someone and expect them to carry on with you as though nothing has happened.
There are ways to speak, even when dissenting but there is a line which can be crossed.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by tigga
CoolHost has obviously been a top poster and was congratulated on that in the lounge recently. What's going on?.

Um....Notice I never joined in that thread in the Lounge. Some people still value Quality over Quantity...

Originally posted by tigga
BTW, mods or management please let me know if I am stepping over any lines - I don't really want to join CoolHost and NameCaster. [/B]

I say this. We all make our choices in this world. If you choose to cross a line (repeatedly--keyword) you should expect some retribution. Also you may not have noticed a problem with those who were banned, but obviously the owner did. As a business owner, you have to call it, like you see it. I can appreciate that. As well as applaud it. The decisions came swiftly and fairly. Now it's up to those who were banned to show the owner they can become productive again.


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Oct 9, 2002
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To me there is a unique change in the basic set of assumptions made about membership when it changes from free to paid. The owner makes an offer to provide services in exchange for some type of compensation - in this case it's $50 but the amount and type of compensation has no bearing on the fulfilment of the contract....it's still a contract. So the argument about receiving more than you paid is not a valid argument and arguments about this being a private forum open to every whim of the owner are probably suspect given the compensation issue. (i'm not an attorney...but if i was the owenr i would consider having a good attorney provide an opinion on that - maybe one of the participating attornies here could speak to the contract issue also.)

If i entered into a contract for goods or services and I felt that the old/new owner was not living up to their end you can bet your bippy I'd be nice...not so nice..and then ugly about sharing my feelings and then if necessary would seek legal advice (in general..not here or over the amount we are discussing).

To me this issue is not about namecaster and coolhost. This is about 2 members who had a contract. They believed they had grievences against the new owner. It's not up to me to say if their feelings were valid...I'm not for or against them and I dont have an axe to grind with the new owner.

Although there are some changes that have taken place that I dont agree with, they are not changes that have had a negative impact on my business and although I try to be social I joined to do business.

But attempts to suppress members (paying members - not because they paid...but because they have a contract.) desire to share their feelings about changes that have taken place should be greatly tempered and restraint should be exercised up to a point where ANY actions taken against paying members should only take place when it (their action) is clearly detrimental to the site/forum. (but i believe that issues should be addresses in private or at the very least in the platinum members area..not in the public areas where it could have negative impact on the owners revenue).

I have seen nothing that suggests that banned members Coolhost or NameCaster have performed any act, deed, or spoken any word so egregious against this community or the owner that they should be banned.

Apart from some name calling and suggestions that the site would do well under new ownership, I haven't seen a single post by either member that, in the eyes of adults, amounts to anything more than attempts to hurt somebody's feelings. If this community has reached a point where whining about the owner gets you banned than it clearly has some growing pains ahead.

Perhaps setting up a "kangaroo court" to handle these situations would be good.

I think much of the consternation that you see from some solid members over this issue is that they dont know what the banned members did to get banned and there doesnt seem to be a system of warnings and concrete rules that address these issues. If this is really a place of business than tell everybody what the rules are before we play the game and make sure that they receive public warning for their actions by the ADMIN so everybody is clear on why the action is taking place against the member....(polite) public floggings have there place and are probably more likely to keep memebrs in line than a death penalty...especially if there is question about why the sentence was handed down.

i understand some members have personal/(business..whatever) issues with some of the banned members. but how I feel about them personally doesnt change my argument.

because i'm here to buy and sell, I'm more concerned about posts like the one from member Jeff in my recent sales thread. a non-paying member makes a post questioning the credability of my statement in my thread. he isnt buying..he isnt asking valid questions...he simply makes a drive-by shooting and nothing gets done about it. THAT is cause for being banned as far as i am concerned. but nothing happens. the banned members did not get in the way of me doing business..the primary reason most of us come here. ( were their posts a potential problem from a revenue standpoint for the owner - any post in a public part of the forum surely was).

my .02

thats all i've got to say about the issue and i'm not going to post about it again. this will play itself out in due time like all things.

i'm off to make some money.

added: p.s. i wanted to add that there have been some positive changes here also. i think overall things are going smooth and although sales SEEM to be down this is probably just an economic issue.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Originally posted by Larry

i'm off to make some money.

Me too! ;)

izopodian philopshy on paid memberships: Membership has it's privileges--that's for sure! Those privileges do come at a "price" though. That price is not being able to say or do anything that could hurt the community to which you belong to. Being a member of a community albeit a paying one never allows you to put your interests a head of another. It only allows you to mingle and do business with those who are privileged enough to enjoy the exclusivity of the membership.


Level 8
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 28, 2002
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Probably most of us didn t understand the reason coolhost and namecaster were banned.For sure the dissision was made cause the admin judged that they harmed the community.I have to admit i that a month ago i posted a thread against the new way this forum was running and i even asked for my 50$ back..
After the thread i sent a message to the new owner explaing the reasons i did this.His answer was immediate and the problem i had solved.The thread is stiil there.Perhaps they should have done the same(sending a message to the new owner ) .This is a way to saw that your interest are to try to have a better forum and not to sabotage it.In my knowledge both banned members were good members and their posts ( i don t know which posts )
had the same motives like mine.I would like to propose the admin of this forum to make a short discusion with the banned members explaining the reason and telling them what means "in a good faith " in his language ( i m sure for their good faith ) and let them come again as members.
For last i have to agree that we are here for bussines and this forum is a busines for itself and for the owner , but most of all
we are a community also sharing thoughts and even more ..jocks with eachother.
Give this forum "peace" and lets enjoy being part of it.
I already miss those members..
The commitee can make a dissision for the rules of this forum , so it can work properly.
I hope things calm down..PEACE and BIZ...
===sorry for my english====


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Mar 1, 2003
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I like that fact the owner takes control if he thinks there is a problem.

However, as others have said, I did not see anything wrong with Coolhost or NameCaster. In fact, they were two of the best contributors on this forum. The forum feels a little empty since they left.

They may have angered a few people with their honest opinions, but I dont think they were trying hurt this forum. I just hope they were given a fair warning, since they were paying members and did not do anything blatantly wrong. If not a warning, then maybe a suspension for a few weeks.

I enjoyed CoolHost and was not too crazy about NameCaster, but personal feelings or issues should not come into play here. It is all about the precedent that this sets.

That is my first and last comments on the subject.

BTW, great post Larry.


Level 6
Legacy Platinum Member
Mar 5, 2003
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Originally posted by tigga
Why have these two been banned? I have never seen any posts by either of these two where their behaviour has warranted banning - on the contrary - I have enjoyed their contributions to the DNF. CoolHost has obviously been a top poster and was congratulated on that in the lounge recently. What's going on?
I for one say its not the quantity that matters, but quality. Im not here to judge anyone as I dont know all thats behind this, but just cos somebody is top poster it doesnt make him any more valuable than a regullar Joe with few posts a day. I rather see 5 quality posts per day, than hundreds of ones like: ":D" or "wow" in each and every thread by same members all the time. However, those are not reasonable grounds for banning somebody (at least not without a preliminary warning) so Im sure there must have been something else to it that we are not aware off. And it should stay this way. I see no point in us discussing this any further - Its between them, banned users and ownership. They are all adults, let them work it out.


Originally posted by tassos
we are a community also sharing thoughts and even more ..jocks with eachother.

:eek: Sorry bud, I don't share my jocks with anyone, period.


DNF Regular
Legacy Exclusive Member
May 27, 2002
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I think Coolhost was banned because he was going to have more DNF$ than NameGiant pretty soon . <jk> Hey, what happend to all his DNF$ anyways? You can't take his hard earned $ away. He was going to leave that to me when he retired. And where does all the Rewards store DNF$ go? Is somebody lining there pockets with it? Where is the dnf bank? Who runs it? Somethin fishy around here. We need a rebellion.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Sep 11, 2002
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Originally posted by nexcorp
I think Coolhost was banned because he was going to have more DNF$ than NameGiant pretty soon . <jk> Hey, what happend to all his DNF$ anyways? You can't take his hard earned $ away. He was going to leave that to me when he retired. And where does all the Rewards store DNF$ go? Is somebody lining there pockets with it? Where is the dnf bank? Who runs it? Somethin fishy around here. We need a rebellion.
Virtual money unfortunately is more a high "concept" than "real money". Like prestige, it can't be bequeethed on account termination or death. --I mean, unless someone makes a "loot dead body" hack for the rewards store... :) It sounds like terminated accounts should just go to $0 DNF and not be eligible for credits.

~ Nexus
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