Anyone read the whole thing? Anything about domains thrown in there?
I reported on this earlier in the week.
Snowe seems to have a penchant for wanting to grab headlines in three manners:
as the friend of the consumer
The champion of internet fraud
A couple things to point out from
the article I referenced that I found humorous.
First, the article mentions John Rockefeller, D-WV, which is so wrong, wrong, wrong. His first name was, and still is, Jay.
And the second thing that I found funny, not in the ha-ha-ha sense of funny, but odd funny that here she is again, Olympia Snowe, R-ME, presenting a bi-partisan internet bill now that her former partner, Stevens of Alaska, is out.
The over all gist of the bill address cyber security as a potential threat to national security - and rightly so.
"Obama has sent signals that he might do just that, saying in his policy agenda that he planned to create a new federal position to oversee the government's digital defenses. The Rockefeller-Snowe bill would write that job into law, installing a National Cybersecurity Advisor in the Executive Office of the White House who would report directly to the president. "
Although I do not find the word domains mentioned, it is all about cyber security.
If cybersquatting is deemed a thread to cyber security and national security in the sense that money is being diverted away from the legitmate business, then there are some big things to be concerned about. Loosely defined terms are always subject to many interpretations and have a knack for encompassing anything someone sees fit at the time.
I have only found one site of the actual wording of the draft:
There are many references to commerce and
cyber-crime, which would mostly concern domainers, imo.
Domains in General begin on Page 22, sec. 8.
Right now, there is too much vagueness into what would be cybersecurity and would deemed as a threat to that security.
This is a working draft and I would live to see the final bill presented for a vote.