sometimes I am listening to a podcast about email marketing called "Email Einstein" > and they talk a lot about importance of content (emails) being readable and not bright for users who use dark themes.. especially reading emails late at night in bed on their phones > bright white emails make them close the email immediately.
About the DNF > the default theme will stay white. ... though, it would be definitely great to introduce dark theme.
Why white: 4-5 years ago I was doing an event and a dyslectic woman called me > she said that she really wanted to come to my event, but as she is dyslectic, she couldn't read white letters on black background (letters were jumping around). .. she did attend my event > for this she had to ask her mum to read the content for her and order the attendees pass on the website.
.. since that, all my websites are white
simple statistics: Around 1 out of 10 people have dyslexia. .. it amazes me that these days most bank cards are dark.. they most probably don't know this thing