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Discussion: Making Money Online II

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Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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Thread Note: One of the all time great threads that I remember on DNF was a thread on how people were making money online. It generated a lot of discussion and was very helpful. So let's do it again, eh?

Making money online is not easy. The "cat" is now out of the bag (lol). Don't get me wrong, "It" can be done, but it's all about research, technology usage, and watching where the market is going. It's almost a full time job.

Some people make money reselling domains, others derive income from affiliate revenue, and finally some actually build a fully functional site with *gulp* actual products! In the end, people tend to choose a path that suits them. Unfortunately that path doesn't always lead you to gold right away. I have been down that path so many times, that I can usually tell when something is not going to pan out even before I start a project. This can be helpful, but can be a deterrent from actually succeeding because we can get "gun shy". Sometimes you need to fail to see what works. Take a look at Thomas Edison, he had hundreds of inventions that never were patented because they just plain didn't work, however because he never gave up, and more importantly learned from his mistakes, he was able to create some pretty cool stuff.

So what does Edison have to do with making money online? I think if we all had "Edison's" attitude towards inqenuity, focus and ability to forget the last failure, we'd all be making a lot more money then we are right now.

Along with the right attitude do we not also need the right tools to make money online? Without a doubt, you do. That is another reason why I think a lot of good ideas go down the drain. It doesn't matter if you are "just" reselling domains either. If you have names on your site, you should be tracking what domains are being clicked on the most. You will also need to find out why. Same thing goes for affiliate sites. Who is your customer. Find out who they are, and what they are interested in, and you have yourself a money-maker (or do you?)

All in all, I don't think their is a "perfect" online business. It's all about what interests you, and how much determination you have to make some work.

So let's discuss... What's your approach to the "Art of Making Money Online"?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2002
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I hope you can get this thread to grow. Most interested learning more ways to make money.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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keshe said:
I hope you can get this thread to grow. Most interested learning more ways to make money.

Ok... The next person to post an interesting way to make money via the internet, I will send them $1000 DNF...

To get feedback, you must give people a compelling reason to do so. Let's try the DNF$ first.

Btw... What are you doing right now to make money?


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Sadly I'm doing everything. Was mostly with names, but its now mostly selling sites cheap. But I'm also offer hosting, in PPC programs, affiliates, directories, design, installation, ebooks, programs and even products.

Right now i'm mainly trying to sell off my lessor names. Get my best names for sale listed correctly, and get my network and my system together. My network will be near 100 names and not sure I can control something that large. Its also very hard to build all at once. I still think 100 good sites with single purpose each, but well networked good turn a very nice profit.

Currently design is where I'm trying to drive more of my income as well as installs. My gola is to build enough passive income that everything else will be gravy and I wont feel like I'm starting at Zero daily. I don't plan of getting out of the domain business but am moving away from catching drops(or trying to). think my time can be better spent as the big boys get the best names, and others pay more or work smarter than I can.


Level 6
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 17, 2002
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I make money online by reselling domains (mostly names with traffic, links, PR) and by domain parking. Domains in not my primary business, I have a full time job, but domains pay alot of bills, have purchased my motorcycle and alot more.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Nov 29, 2002
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I started just trying to sell domains.

Before I had much success with that, I discovered PPC thanks to sedo and this helped to give me a less erratic income.

I toy with the idea of affiiliate links and developing sites, which in theory should be more profitable, but this always seems like too steep a learning curve, and not what I enjoy most, which is the selection of names and trying to win them.

As Izopod says, it's all about what interests you and having the determination to work at it.

I guess if the supply of domain dried up (which I don't think it will ever do) I now have enough names to be able to start down the affiliate/development route, if "forced" to.


DNF Addict
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jul 28, 2003
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Well the keyword is I think "originality". The best way to make money on the internet is to put out a product or service out there which is original and unseen before. I think most business have been going down the drain lately because they have been trying to build their business around imitations and already existing and very competetive markets and product lines.



DNF Regular
Jun 13, 2002
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I post inane comments on domain name forums until people pay me to go away.



NameWolf said:
The best way to make money on the internet is to put out a product or service out there which is original and unseen before. I think most business have been going down the drain lately because they have been trying to build their business around imitations and already existing and very competetive markets and product lines.

Excellent reminder to all of us, wolf.


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Jun 6, 2002
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NameWolf said:
Well the keyword is I think "originality". The best way to make money on the internet is to put out a product or service out there which is original and unseen before. I think most business have been going down the drain lately because they have been trying to build their business around imitations and already existing and very competetive markets and product lines.


Namewolf wins the $1000 DNF!!!


Level 8
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2002
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Thats the best business in any adventure and I agree with u 100%. A freind found with the net for quite a while and tried everything like I have. He found an untapped niche, built a nice site, and went strongly after promotion. The site is now doing very well and can fund 3 people and still allow time for his other net interests.

I new popular product is best in anybusiness. I tell people that is there likely chance for a good DN. A new product(non trademarked). A new hot product, a good niche takes care of its self. If not you are going to have to survive while people find. You have to make sure they find you, and you still have to compent on price quality and service.

A friend is trying to open a business in our old city. The need is there. His knowledge and desire is there, but money is short. Even with money, people will not beat a path to you door. It takes time, even with need.

He an I are working on a project now where there is a niche and need. We no the market and our competition is weak. However, part of the reason they are weak is software. Now we are spending time trying to get good software built. That takes time and money. The niche is there for a reason. Enough of the right people dont know and the software isnt out there.

As in any business there are tons of ways to do it. There are so many ways to run any business and no model is the same (hopefully). A new in demand product is surely the best, in any field. There are counless ways to make money in business, any business and the net has more than most. With barriors of entry being so low, you will find more competition than in most areas.

Lets take hosting for example. You can still make money hosting. Huge problems there though. Low cost providers, huge ads cost on the expensive solutions, yet I offer hosting. Why because I need to for my business. I'm making a little money with it, but not promoting it. Its a needed add on that many of my customers need. I offer it to a few friends and send most to good priced host that I get paid for. Hosting can be a great business. I make money from it, but its a small side line at best. I do provide the service or help customers find a low cost solution, but I would never look to have a hosting company(never poor term, very unlikely). That market doesn't make sense for me.

Like in any business some sidelines are needed for your customers. I offer many things that are all over the net. I don't promote them much because its not worth the time or the profit to do so, that said if I get someone in the door... If you sell widgets you likely need to offer widget add ons. If you dont you are likely missing sales and perhaps driving your customers elsewhere. Of course there are limits. My main past business offered more products than most can imagine. with several major lines, and seriously over a million pieces on hand, the side lines were nearly endless, but you really cant carry everything. Even WMT doesnt do that.


Level 3
Legacy Platinum Member
Oct 9, 2003
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Ive been doing something that has been turning a pretty good profit lately, and am going to keep doing this.

PPC search engines. Sign up as an affiliate and your halfway done!

What I do is sign up, get my portal, and pay for advertising at places like www.allyousubmitters.com (a PTR email program). The site has over 30,000 active members, and it costs less than 30$ to send an email to each, which they will read and view the URL you specify for 60 seconds. I promote my PPC's there and get GREAT responses. In the email you just put a note in like 'please make a valid search' yada yada. Plus I get alot of people who sign up at the PPC sites under my referral adresses, which is great.

I advertise at other PTR email programs also, but AYS gives me the best results, and I turn a profit doing nothing. Also, its perfectly legit with the TOS and rules on pretty much all programs, so its not cheating or anything.

Good deal, eh?


Level 5
Legacy Gold Member
Nov 25, 2004
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What PPC affiliate program do you recommend ImageFuel?


Level 7
Legacy Exclusive Member
Jun 9, 2004
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let me make this simple. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOGLE.

yes google, you can find almost anything on google (if you search it right).

Find different and new ways to make money online....i guess this answer is too vague...but a good start


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 27, 2004
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well here is one way wat i do

i do surfin on internet and get credits for that and u cud sell ur credits when u get 10000 for 75 $
on that time ur site cud get hits if u submit ur sites in

u might think 10000 is a big number but when u do 2000 every week its nothing .. and u find bonus points and etc etc ..

this one of the way i earn money other ways are ads on my website ads on my member's websites


Level 4
Legacy Gold Member
Dec 27, 2004
Reaction score
i use ts25.com

they are good ..
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