Would either of these two be worth the effort?
DNhijacking and DNrh (domain name reverse hijacking)
I've been hearing these terms a lot (New Zealand and EC)
and thought that maybe someone with some ambition could
reg one or both of these and build a site that sites UDRP cases and other legal matters concerning reverse hijacking. This way when some one (BIG COMPANY WITH LOTS OF $) thinks about going after a domain name that's not legally theirs, we can steer them to this site for information and maybe save ourselves a legal confrontation.
It could be one of those sites that anyone who registers domain names or sells domain names could link too(which would be alot). The average person who purchases a domain name (common person, not people like you...DN addicts) out of couriosity would visit the site just to see what reverse hijacking is.
I haven't got the time or DN knowledge like most of you out there, so I thought I'd throw out the idea and give someone the opportunity to develope it.
Both are unregged as of 12-21-02
PS. The last time I threw out an idea like this, the first person who read the post bought the name (DNtraffic) and sent me 100 DNF Bucks.......................Thanks DotComster!!!!
As Gumby would say.....Merry Christmas Dammit!!!!
DNhijacking and DNrh (domain name reverse hijacking)
I've been hearing these terms a lot (New Zealand and EC)
and thought that maybe someone with some ambition could
reg one or both of these and build a site that sites UDRP cases and other legal matters concerning reverse hijacking. This way when some one (BIG COMPANY WITH LOTS OF $) thinks about going after a domain name that's not legally theirs, we can steer them to this site for information and maybe save ourselves a legal confrontation.
It could be one of those sites that anyone who registers domain names or sells domain names could link too(which would be alot). The average person who purchases a domain name (common person, not people like you...DN addicts) out of couriosity would visit the site just to see what reverse hijacking is.
I haven't got the time or DN knowledge like most of you out there, so I thought I'd throw out the idea and give someone the opportunity to develope it.
Both are unregged as of 12-21-02
PS. The last time I threw out an idea like this, the first person who read the post bought the name (DNtraffic) and sent me 100 DNF Bucks.......................Thanks DotComster!!!!
As Gumby would say.....Merry Christmas Dammit!!!!