DomainSalesAgent said:
Can the registrar who is, after all, only an AGENT confiscate all your assets?
Domain names are so unique, aren't they?
Anyway, the answer is yes. They can actually take all your domain names for
any reason they see fit: they just do so within reasonable limits.
Although "best business practices" exist, how one industry does things isn't
isn't necessarily handled the same way by another. There
are variations.
But remember the most important thing: none of us can ever own a domain
name outright no matter what. We only lease them from the registrar.
So if your lease expires and you don't pay up on time, you lose it.
Sure they can take your money and restore access to those domains if they
want to. But they can also choose to refuse, and that's what their "right of
refusal" clauses are for.
DomainSalesAgent said:
Am I not entitled to certain 'basic' rights under contract law because of this - regardless of the inequitability of the TOS ?
Ideally you agree to the contract the moment you register the domain name in
their systems and you check the box beside the "I have read the TOS/service
agreement and agree to its terms". In reality, you can challenge that.
But challenging it is one thing, winning is another.
Bottom line: you lose all rights once your domain expires, and the registrar has
no obligation whatsoever to you when that happens.