Here is the explaination of the person or of the job,
In many cases as you know, the information given in the WHOIS data of a website is Fake or outdated. So if you want to track down the domain owner (for a possible negotiation) it would be hard. So we need a person who can track down the domain owners from the whoise information.
This will be a project based job or in other words as we require a domain owner to be tracked for a particular domain we will contact the person. The pay will be very compititive ,depending on the abillities of he person. And having said that we mean it.
Please expedite if you think you are the potential candidate for this very job.
So actually we need some domainer who has the experience of finding the domain owners from their whoise data.
ILR Team
In many cases as you know, the information given in the WHOIS data of a website is Fake or outdated. So if you want to track down the domain owner (for a possible negotiation) it would be hard. So we need a person who can track down the domain owners from the whoise information.
This will be a project based job or in other words as we require a domain owner to be tracked for a particular domain we will contact the person. The pay will be very compititive ,depending on the abillities of he person. And having said that we mean it.
Please expedite if you think you are the potential candidate for this very job.
So actually we need some domainer who has the experience of finding the domain owners from their whoise data.
ILR Team