What is URL forwarding and what is it used for?
URL forwarding is a method of redirecting your domain name visitors to another domain name (web site), for example your domain name: yourdomain.com can be redirected to anotherdomain.com and whenever your domain will be accessed, it will automatically redirect the visitor to anotherdomain.com.
URL forwarding is usually used by webmasters who use free web hosting and like to use their own memorable domain name instead of a long, confusing and hard to remember free web hosting internet address.
URL forwarding is also used by webmasters who use paid web hosting but need to host more than one domain on the same web hosting cutting the additional domain hosting fee.
What is an Unmasked URL forwarding?
The unmasked or uncloaked URL forwarding is used when you want to simply redirect your domain name visitors to another domain name revealing the real address being redirected to on the top, for example if you setup an unmasked redirection to anotherdomain.com all the visitors to yourdomain.com will be redirected to anotherdomain.com which will appear on the top.
What is a Masked URL forwarding?
The masked or cloaked URL forwarding is used when you want your domain name to appear on the top hiding the real domain name that is being redirected to, for example if you setup a redirection to anotherdomain.com all the visitors to yourdomain.com will be redirected to anotherdomain.com with your domain name appearing on the top instead of anotherdomain.com.
If you choose to use the masked forwarding you can also define (with no charge using our unique system) your own meta tags such as title, description, keywords and more, this feature is used to optimize your domain name search engines ranking.
Is there any fee for this service?
No, This service is absolutely free.
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