>>> What do you want Signguy? You want get 500 uniques per day? I can not give 500 uniques.
is this not a copy on a pm you sent me?...................
08-11-2004, 03:27 AM
I will create new listing today and send you domains with 500 uniques/day tomorrow.
Best regards,
>>>> I pushed to you more than 50 domains for free.
those 53 domains 'combined' produce less than 12 uniques a day!!!
all you did there was dump your garbage on me
>>>> I suggested you return money for 2 domains (you emailed me that these two domains receive bad traffic). But you did not want return these domains back to me.
nobody likes to return money, i was simply trying to save you the hassle
>>> So why these domains BAD???
i'm not saying they are bad, i simply said proceed with caution
let me put my deal in a nutshell....
i paid you $1800usd for 60 domains that according to your stats were averaging around 1300 uniques/day
those 60 domains actually produced only about 550 uniques/day.
i only complained about TWO of them, the ones that i justified my investment with, because those 2 alone shorted me 500 uniques/day
yada...yada...yada.... and then you told me you were going to send me more domains that would make up the 500/day
finally, you transfered me an additional 53 absolutely worthless domains
forgive me for not being thrilled over the outcome of our transaction