sofy60 said:
Has anyone noticed that new domain names only take a few hours to be active. ? last year it took 48 hours ..
I believe it was early last fall when they changed the root updates from every 12 hours to every 5 minutes.
gwdguy said:
I notice from the time I registrer a domain name with WWD and then set up the account on my server I can see the site already.. But I have some clients their ISP I guess does not update the DNS for a day or so.. It is nice to see things update that quickly.
Keep in mind that once the root update takes place, it is not necessarily a matter of how often ISP's "update" themselves in order to get the new registration, but whether they have cached information on hand at all. If you attempt to resolve a domain through your ISP's DNS server BEFORE the root has been updated with your newly registered domain, it may take up to 24 hours for the ISP DNS server to expire its cached record. However, if the ISP does not have cached info, then the domain will be resolved as soon as 5 minutes after the domain is registered -- regardless of how often they "update the DNS".
A probable explanation for your observation regarding clients' inability to access the site is that the client has already tried to "go" to the domain in their browser before instructing you to register the domain. This attempt to access the site will cause the ISP to attempt to resolve the domain without success. Subsequent attempts to "go" to the site after the domain is registered will not query the root DNS servers, because the ISP will return the cached information of "host not found".
Similarly, the client's computer itself may cache the DNS. To clear the client's DNS cache, they can reboot, or type "ipconfig /flushdns" from the command line (on Windows).