With all due respect, the domains your posting for appraisal are not worth the time it takes to type them.... From the ones I've seen you post, most all are worthless.
My advice is STOP, STOP making Registrars like Godaddy rich off domains that have NO potential of selling or generating type-in traffic/Revenue.. STOP buying them at the Registrar, STOP buying them at auction, STOP buying them from resellers, You need to STOP and LEARN before you dump anymore of your money into domains, I'm sure you work hard for it.
I myself would rather own ONE premium domain as opposed to the 120 domains you have... Seriously.
Save your money, put it into a savings account that you can later use at Auction, While your doing that you can learn what domains to invest in, and what names NOT to invest in... They wont be cheap by any means, but you'll have assets you can actually make a profit from, and a substantial profit at that.
Good luck!