Originally posted by npunatar
I just found out about domainstate; why do the forums look so similar?
They both use a messageboard application called vBulletin, and deal with the SAME topic of discussion. The breakdown of the forums are almost radically different however. DomainState.com has some AWESOME tools however, and some great mods (well informed, highly skilled, and dedicated to the community). Check out the toolbar if anything!
Originally posted by npunatar
Also how would you all rate that one compared to this forum- i am debating joining as platnium member here but if it is free over there and lots of people use it.... well?
Get a platinum membership here, and visit DomainState.com regularly (don't go to "domainsite" though, that's the wrong place!)
I'm about to test the effectiveness of the live auctions here for myself (I'll give you a free gold pass if you want to check out the auction Sunday, though you WILL miss out on the dnBucks if you wait), but if you check the amount of money that has flowed through the live auctions, you'll see MONEY is being made. Same thing with the Sales forums as well. My going theory is that there's generally more traffic here at DNForum because Greg keeps flaming everyone... so... there you have it.
~ Nexus